Ukraine - Russia Conflict

All you've done is post stuff written by the Far Left, his enemies basically. Smarter people would figure out what's happening around the world concerning the Left.
Like the Trump cult, hitler, mussolini and a list of others. You are in a propaganda loop, feeding you misinformation. Which is professionally done so you believe. You think these thoughts are your own and not what is fed to you. India is a young democracy on a learning curve.
You deserve the negative portrayal.

It's failed though.
Trump is a criminal who lacks the diplomatic skills and tact necessary for leadership even leaving his criminality aside. As for Modi, he just asks the police to stand down when Hindus are on pogroms.


It's not our problem, we'll support the wrong-doer anyway and bitch about the past is India's stance.

You always do, the video in the previous post was resounding proof of that.


The opposite of that.
Like the Trump cult, hitler, mussolini and a list of others. You are in a propaganda loop, feeding you misinformation. Which is professionally done so you believe. You think these thoughts are your own and not what is fed to you. India is a young democracy on a learning curve.

This is hilarious. :ROFLMAO:

You do realize it's the opposite today right? The left control the global narrative today. Right wing is still in the minority, struggling to survive.

Russia, China, US and Europe are currently ruled by left or center-left parties. India's BJP is effectively a center-right party, not even right wing. Hence Western attacks on them. BJP is branded right wing because they want to make India's laws more equal, which currently are very highly in favor of Muslims. Funny that.
EW is the big weakness for NATO, JDAM, Excaliburs and HIMARS more and more failed due to a very good russian EW :

In the field of electronic warfare, Moscow is gaining a clear advantage over both Ukraine and its Western allies. Nato is now reportedly powerless to help Kiev defend itself against Russian jamming.By Thomas RomanaccePublished on 03/12/2023 at 8:30 am & updated on 03/12/2023 at 11:50 am
Electronic warfare is Ukraine's greatest weakness. That's what Seth Jones, a senior fellow at the Washington-based think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies, told The Economist. According to this political scientist and counter-terrorism expert, Kiev's allies have focused too much on material aid. Nato members have provided the Ukrainian army with many tanks, missiles and artillery systems, and have completely forgotten about the cyber-electronic side of the conflict.

According to Seth Jones, Russia has for many years emphasized the use of its military-industrial complex to produce and develop an impressive range of electronic warfare capabilities to counter the highly interconnected systems of the Atlantic organization. On the contrary, Kiev found itself at the start of the war with electronic weapons systems dating mainly from the Soviet era. According to Valéri Zaloujni, head of the Ukrainian General Staff, this difference had only a limited impact at the start of the conflict, but as relatively static lines of contact emerged, Russia was able to position its formidable electronic warfare assets where they could have the greatest effect.
READ ALSOThe Ukrainian General Staff has no plans to wage war in 2024In March 2023, Ukraine discovered that its GPS-guided Excalibur shells were suddenly starting to miss their targets, thanks to Russian jamming. The guided bombs that the USA had supplied to the Ukrainian air force experienced a similar problem, while Ukraine's Himar long-range rockets also began to miss their target. In some areas, the majority of Ukrainian ammunition is now ineffective.

The Ukrainian General Staff has no plans to wage war in 2024
In March 2023, Ukraine discovered that its GPS-guided Excalibur shells were suddenly starting to miss their targets, thanks to Russian jamming. The guided bombs that the USA had supplied to the Ukrainian air force experienced a similar problem, while Ukraine's Himar long-range rockets also began to miss their target. In some areas, the majority of Ukrainian ammunition is now ineffective.

Ukraine loses 10,000 drones a month
What worries Kiev's top brass even more is the growing ability of Moscow's forces to counter the multitudes of cheap drones that Ukrainian troops use for everything from battlefield reconnaissance and communications to detonating on impact against targets such as tanks or command nodes. Ukraine has trained an army of some 10,000 drone pilots who are now constantly engaged in a cat-and-mouse game with increasingly skilled Russian drone operators.

The preferred drones are cheap, costing no more than 900 euros each, and Ukraine is building huge numbers of them. However, losses due to Russian jamming, which destroys guidance systems or radio links with operators, sometimes amount to more than 2,000 a week. Affected drones hover aimlessly until their batteries run down and they fall to the ground.

CIA helped Ukraine design naval drones used against Russia
It is not yet possible, at least for mini-UAVs, to protect them against jamming or to equip them with artificial intelligence that enables them to fly without a direct link to a human operator. Quantity still outweighs quality, but Russia may have an advantage here too. The skies above the battlefield are now littered with Russian drones. Around Bakhmout, Ukrainian soldiers estimate that Russia is deploying twice as many assault drones as it can handle.

American reluctance to help Kiev
Russia's growing success in drone warfare is due in part to the density of new systems it is able to deploy, thanks to years of investment. A report published last May by Jack Watling and Nick Reynolds of Rusi, a London-based think-tank, states that the Russians have a large electronic weapons system every 10 kilometers along the front line.

They believe that among Russia's many electronic weapons systems, the truck-mounted Shipovnic-Aero is particularly dangerous for Ukrainian drones. The system has a range of 10 kilometers and can take control of the drone, while acquiring the coordinates of the location from which it is being piloted, with an accuracy of one meter, and transmitting them to an artillery battery.

Ukraine specialist Nico Lange is equally pessimistic. On the one hand, he suspects that Nato's capabilities may not be as good as Russia's. Worse still, when it comes to the Ukraine, Nato's capabilities may not be as good as those of Russia. Worse still, when it comes to the latest systems, he believes that there is also a certain reluctance, especially on the part of the Americans, to show their technological capabilities to Russia because exploitable information, for example on the frequencies and channel hopping techniques used, is likely to be passed on to the Chinese.
It's failed though.
Well you're still getting it anyway because it's deserved.

The opposite of that.
He literally begins with, "A, you didn't support India in the Bangladesh War...." 50 year old gripe = Living in the past.
as if we care to give a damn on what racist imperialist in west think about us. They should simply stick to kissing xi's a***.
When have we kissed Xi's a***, we criticise their human rights record on every sintgle state visit.
EW is the big weakness for NATO, JDAM, Excaliburs and HIMARS more and more failed due to a very good russian EW :

In the field of electronic warfare, Moscow is gaining a clear advantage over both Ukraine and its Western allies. Nato is now reportedly powerless to help Kiev defend itself against Russian jamming.By Thomas RomanaccePublished on 03/12/2023 at 8:30 am & updated on 03/12/2023 at 11:50 am
Electronic warfare is Ukraine's greatest weakness. That's what Seth Jones, a senior fellow at the Washington-based think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies, told The Economist. According to this political scientist and counter-terrorism expert, Kiev's allies have focused too much on material aid. Nato members have provided the Ukrainian army with many tanks, missiles and artillery systems, and have completely forgotten about the cyber-electronic side of the conflict.

According to Seth Jones, Russia has for many years emphasized the use of its military-industrial complex to produce and develop an impressive range of electronic warfare capabilities to counter the highly interconnected systems of the Atlantic organization. On the contrary, Kiev found itself at the start of the war with electronic weapons systems dating mainly from the Soviet era. According to Valéri Zaloujni, head of the Ukrainian General Staff, this difference had only a limited impact at the start of the conflict, but as relatively static lines of contact emerged, Russia was able to position its formidable electronic warfare assets where they could have the greatest effect.
READ ALSOThe Ukrainian General Staff has no plans to wage war in 2024In March 2023, Ukraine discovered that its GPS-guided Excalibur shells were suddenly starting to miss their targets, thanks to Russian jamming. The guided bombs that the USA had supplied to the Ukrainian air force experienced a similar problem, while Ukraine's Himar long-range rockets also began to miss their target. In some areas, the majority of Ukrainian ammunition is now ineffective.

The Ukrainian General Staff has no plans to wage war in 2024
In March 2023, Ukraine discovered that its GPS-guided Excalibur shells were suddenly starting to miss their targets, thanks to Russian jamming. The guided bombs that the USA had supplied to the Ukrainian air force experienced a similar problem, while Ukraine's Himar long-range rockets also began to miss their target. In some areas, the majority of Ukrainian ammunition is now ineffective.

Ukraine loses 10,000 drones a month
What worries Kiev's top brass even more is the growing ability of Moscow's forces to counter the multitudes of cheap drones that Ukrainian troops use for everything from battlefield reconnaissance and communications to detonating on impact against targets such as tanks or command nodes. Ukraine has trained an army of some 10,000 drone pilots who are now constantly engaged in a cat-and-mouse game with increasingly skilled Russian drone operators.

The preferred drones are cheap, costing no more than 900 euros each, and Ukraine is building huge numbers of them. However, losses due to Russian jamming, which destroys guidance systems or radio links with operators, sometimes amount to more than 2,000 a week. Affected drones hover aimlessly until their batteries run down and they fall to the ground.

CIA helped Ukraine design naval drones used against Russia
It is not yet possible, at least for mini-UAVs, to protect them against jamming or to equip them with artificial intelligence that enables them to fly without a direct link to a human operator. Quantity still outweighs quality, but Russia may have an advantage here too. The skies above the battlefield are now littered with Russian drones. Around Bakhmout, Ukrainian soldiers estimate that Russia is deploying twice as many assault drones as it can handle.

American reluctance to help Kiev
Russia's growing success in drone warfare is due in part to the density of new systems it is able to deploy, thanks to years of investment. A report published last May by Jack Watling and Nick Reynolds of Rusi, a London-based think-tank, states that the Russians have a large electronic weapons system every 10 kilometers along the front line.

They believe that among Russia's many electronic weapons systems, the truck-mounted Shipovnic-Aero is particularly dangerous for Ukrainian drones. The system has a range of 10 kilometers and can take control of the drone, while acquiring the coordinates of the location from which it is being piloted, with an accuracy of one meter, and transmitting them to an artillery battery.

Ukraine specialist Nico Lange is equally pessimistic. On the one hand, he suspects that Nato's capabilities may not be as good as Russia's. Worse still, when it comes to the Ukraine, Nato's capabilities may not be as good as those of Russia. Worse still, when it comes to the latest systems, he believes that there is also a certain reluctance, especially on the part of the Americans, to show their technological capabilities to Russia because exploitable information, for example on the frequencies and channel hopping techniques used, is likely to be passed on to the Chinese.
Multiple videos of Russian GPS jammers taking direct hits. Even against RC drones they only affect the last second before impact and they still hit anyway. If HIMARS can't get a decent GPS signal in the terminal phase it just switches to a highly accurate INS.

Where was the jamming here.

Multiple videos of Russian GPS jammers taking direct hits. Even against RC drones they only affect the last second before impact and they still hit anyway. If HIMARS can't get a decent GPS signal in the terminal phase it just switches to a highly accurate INS.

Where was the jamming here.

They aren't giving Ukraine the good stuff. that includes the missiles. There are some who would sell it to china and russia.
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EW is the big weakness for NATO, JDAM, Excaliburs and HIMARS more and more failed due to a very good russian EW :

In the field of electronic warfare, Moscow is gaining a clear advantage over both Ukraine and its Western allies. Nato is now reportedly powerless to help Kiev defend itself against Russian jamming.By Thomas RomanaccePublished on 03/12/2023 at 8:30 am & updated on 03/12/2023 at 11:50 am
Electronic warfare is Ukraine's greatest weakness. That's what Seth Jones, a senior fellow at the Washington-based think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies, told The Economist. According to this political scientist and counter-terrorism expert, Kiev's allies have focused too much on material aid. Nato members have provided the Ukrainian army with many tanks, missiles and artillery systems, and have completely forgotten about the cyber-electronic side of the conflict.

According to Seth Jones, Russia has for many years emphasized the use of its military-industrial complex to produce and develop an impressive range of electronic warfare capabilities to counter the highly interconnected systems of the Atlantic organization. On the contrary, Kiev found itself at the start of the war with electronic weapons systems dating mainly from the Soviet era. According to Valéri Zaloujni, head of the Ukrainian General Staff, this difference had only a limited impact at the start of the conflict, but as relatively static lines of contact emerged, Russia was able to position its formidable electronic warfare assets where they could have the greatest effect.
READ ALSOThe Ukrainian General Staff has no plans to wage war in 2024In March 2023, Ukraine discovered that its GPS-guided Excalibur shells were suddenly starting to miss their targets, thanks to Russian jamming. The guided bombs that the USA had supplied to the Ukrainian air force experienced a similar problem, while Ukraine's Himar long-range rockets also began to miss their target. In some areas, the majority of Ukrainian ammunition is now ineffective.

The Ukrainian General Staff has no plans to wage war in 2024
In March 2023, Ukraine discovered that its GPS-guided Excalibur shells were suddenly starting to miss their targets, thanks to Russian jamming. The guided bombs that the USA had supplied to the Ukrainian air force experienced a similar problem, while Ukraine's Himar long-range rockets also began to miss their target. In some areas, the majority of Ukrainian ammunition is now ineffective.

Ukraine loses 10,000 drones a month
What worries Kiev's top brass even more is the growing ability of Moscow's forces to counter the multitudes of cheap drones that Ukrainian troops use for everything from battlefield reconnaissance and communications to detonating on impact against targets such as tanks or command nodes. Ukraine has trained an army of some 10,000 drone pilots who are now constantly engaged in a cat-and-mouse game with increasingly skilled Russian drone operators.

The preferred drones are cheap, costing no more than 900 euros each, and Ukraine is building huge numbers of them. However, losses due to Russian jamming, which destroys guidance systems or radio links with operators, sometimes amount to more than 2,000 a week. Affected drones hover aimlessly until their batteries run down and they fall to the ground.

CIA helped Ukraine design naval drones used against Russia
It is not yet possible, at least for mini-UAVs, to protect them against jamming or to equip them with artificial intelligence that enables them to fly without a direct link to a human operator. Quantity still outweighs quality, but Russia may have an advantage here too. The skies above the battlefield are now littered with Russian drones. Around Bakhmout, Ukrainian soldiers estimate that Russia is deploying twice as many assault drones as it can handle.

American reluctance to help Kiev
Russia's growing success in drone warfare is due in part to the density of new systems it is able to deploy, thanks to years of investment. A report published last May by Jack Watling and Nick Reynolds of Rusi, a London-based think-tank, states that the Russians have a large electronic weapons system every 10 kilometers along the front line.

They believe that among Russia's many electronic weapons systems, the truck-mounted Shipovnic-Aero is particularly dangerous for Ukrainian drones. The system has a range of 10 kilometers and can take control of the drone, while acquiring the coordinates of the location from which it is being piloted, with an accuracy of one meter, and transmitting them to an artillery battery.

Ukraine specialist Nico Lange is equally pessimistic. On the one hand, he suspects that Nato's capabilities may not be as good as Russia's. Worse still, when it comes to the Ukraine, Nato's capabilities may not be as good as those of Russia. Worse still, when it comes to the latest systems, he believes that there is also a certain reluctance, especially on the part of the Americans, to show their technological capabilities to Russia because exploitable information, for example on the frequencies and channel hopping techniques used, is likely to be passed on to the Chinese.

Yeah, all of this was reported long ago from Russian media source, but was notched up to Russian propaganda. But things have gone bad for Ukraine after last winter. The Russians not only mobilized larger numbers, but also introduced new weapons.
Footage of an attack by two Ukrainian FPV drones on a homemade Russian robotic platform has been published. The video was filmed in the Avdeevsky direction; a Russian tracked drone was used to deliver ammunition and food in the most dangerous directions, where the use of conventional transport is too risky. The Russian drone is equipped with the Volnorez electronic warfare system, which we previously talked about. At the time of the attack, the Breakwater electronic warfare system was not installed on the tracked drone.


Russian armour.

Destruction of the Russian "Pion" self-propelled guns and the "Osa" air defense system by correction of the Flying Skull aerial reconnaissance​

^Where is the EW here?

Yeah, all of this was reported long ago from Russian media source, but was notched up to Russian propaganda. But things have gone bad for Ukraine after last winter. The Russians not only mobilized larger numbers, but also introduced new weapons.
This is hilarious. :ROFLMAO:

You do realize it's the opposite today right? The left control the global narrative today. Right wing is still in the minority, struggling to survive.

Russia, China, US and Europe are currently ruled by left or center-left parties. India's BJP is effectively a center-right party, not even right wing. Hence Western attacks on them. BJP is branded right wing because they want to make India's laws more equal, which currently are very highly in favor of Muslims. Funny that.
Both left wing and right wing are frauds. Media drivel to keep peasants distracted.
Yeah, all of this was reported long ago from Russian media source, but was notched up to Russian propaganda. But things have gone bad for Ukraine after last winter. The Russians not only mobilized larger numbers, but also introduced new weapons.
It's funny how Russian production levels have gone up with even innovations taking place. Newer upgrades are coming and even su-35 is getting an upgrade. We might again get addicted to buying russki weapons.
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Embodiment of Russian desperation.

Thinning out of Russian numbers continues.

It's funny how Russian production levels have gone up with even innovations taking place. Newer upgrades are coming and even su-35 is getting an upgrade. We might again get addicted to buying russki weapons.
Of course production levels have gone up, it's a war, it's necessary to replace lost items. Based on the performance of Russian weapons, particularly the utter failure of their air defence, I don't see why you would.
In the Russian swamps, everything burns and burns. Thus, on the night of December 6, a large-scale fire broke out in Arkhangelsk.

Both left wing and right wing are frauds. Media drivel to keep peasants distracted.

Some behaviors are common between the two. One is pushing for nationalism, the other is pushing for a soft theocracy under Islamism. At least in India.

Both left and right wings are different in different countries based on their own cultural issues. In the US, it's traditional vs social justice.

Ultimately, yeah, it's all just a distraction, but it's necessary to help win or lose elections. And that is what affects us.

It's funny how Russian production levels have gone up with even innovations taking place. Newer upgrades are coming and even su-35 is getting an upgrade. We might again get addicted to buying russki weapons.

Our love for Russian stuff is largely gone. At least it's pretty much over for run-of-the-mill stuff like fighter jets and tanks. Existing Russian weapons will naturally be upgraded, but the focus will shift towards exotic weapons and JVs. Our national interests will be served by energy, resources and civilian trade relations with the Russkies.
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