Ukraine - Russia Conflict


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2017

The United States has ordered the families of its diplomats in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv to leave the country "due to the continued threat of Russian military action," the State Department said Sunday.

Biden has also authorized $200 million “in additional support to meet Ukraine’s emergency defense needs,” according to a U.S. State Department spokesperson. “Those deliveries are ongoing, and there are more scheduled in the coming weeks.”

“I expedited and authorized, and we fully endorse transfers of defensive equipment @NATO Allies Estonia Latvia Lithuania are providing to Ukraine to strengthen its ability to defend itself against Russia’s unprovoked and irresponsible aggression,” Blinken said in a post on Twitter.
From Goobel Translayed:
What Moscow Offered to Washington

In the draft treaty (the text is at the disposal of RBC), Russia in the introductory part proposed to consolidate the principle of the impossibility of unleashing a nuclear war. There are eight articles in the draft document.

-In the first article, Moscow proposes that the United States agree to act on the basis of the principles of indivisible and equal security, not harming each other's security , for which it proposes to take mutual obligations not to take actions and not to carry out measures that affect the security of the other side.

-The parties must not use the territory of other states for the purpose of preparing or carrying out an armed attack on Russia or the United States.

-The United States must assume obligations to rule out further eastward expansion of NATO and refuse to admit states that were previously part of the USSR into the alliance. This requirement applies at least to Ukraine and Georgia, which constantly talk about the desire to become members of the alliance.

-The United States should not create military bases on the territory of states that were formerly part of the USSR and are not members of NATO, as well as use their infrastructure for conducting any military activity, develop bilateral military cooperation with them.

-Russia also proposes to mutually refrain from deploying armed forces and weapons , including within the framework of international organizations, military alliances or coalitions, in areas where such deployment would be perceived by the other side as a threat to their national security, and also to refrain from flying heavy bombers equipped with for nuclear or non-nuclear weapons, and the presence of surface combatants of all classes in areas outside national airspace and outside national territorial waters, from where they can hit targets in Russia or the United States.

-Russia also proposed returning to the principle of refusing to deploy ground-based intermediate-range and short-range missiles outside the national territory.

-Moscow also considers it necessary to rule out the deployment of nuclear weapons outside the national territory.

What did Russia offer to NATO?

Moscow proposed to the Alliance to conclude an agreement in which it is proposed to return to the work of the Russia-NATO Council, restore communication channels and stop viewing each other as adversaries. In nine articles of the document, Russia also considers it necessary to fix the following.

-Non-deployment by Russia and NATO countries of their armed forces and weapons on the territory of all other European states in addition to the forces that were already on this territory as of May 27, 1997.

-Exclude the deployment of ground-based intermediate and shorter-range missiles in areas from which they are capable of hitting targets on the territory of other participants.

-Exclude further expansion of NATO , including the accession of Ukraine, as well as other states.

-NATO countries must refuse to conduct any military activity on the territory of Ukraine , as well as other states of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

The draft Russian documents were commented at a briefing on Friday by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. He will negotiate on these topics. “You only have to sign this,” he commented on Moscow's expectations from partners. According to him, the proposals should be taken as a basis and a platform, especially since the Russian projects already contain all the necessary references to previous documents, as well as a translation into English. Russian representatives are ready to start discussions immediately, anywhere. Among the possible points for negotiations, Ryabkov named Geneva.
I think I said it somewhere else here but I think this is how it will go down....

Russia invades and the Euros make a big spectacle about it especially NATO nations bordering Russia and Ukraine and of course will demand the US for help instead of asking the Euros to secure their ow borders. Russia will likely take a big chunk of Eastern and some parts of Southern Ukraine and US response will be deploying its military to these nations that border Russia and Ukraine.

I think that's pretty much it I don't see US/NATO having a pair and declaring Ukrainian airspace a Russian no fly zone. If they wanted to they could do that and shoot down Russian military aircraft over Ukraine, they do have that capability. I don't think Russia would escalate and hit a NATO airbase inside a NATO nation or you'll just invite all of NATO to join in the conflict.

Or the US/NATO/Europe can force Russia to fire upon lets say a "humanitarian ship" by sailing through Russian Black Sea blockade forcing US/NATO to hit back and maybe even strikes on Russian targets in Ukraine? US is good at false flags.
I think I said it somewhere else here but I think this is how it will go down....

Russia invades and the Euros make a big spectacle about it especially NATO nations bordering Russia and Ukraine and of course will demand the US for help instead of asking the Euros to secure their ow borders. Russia will likely take a big chunk of Eastern and some parts of Southern Ukraine and US response will be deploying its military to these nations that border Russia and Ukraine.

I think that's pretty much it I don't see US/NATO having a pair and declaring Ukrainian airspace a Russian no fly zone. If they wanted to they could do that and shoot down Russian military aircraft over Ukraine, they do have that capability. I don't think Russia would escalate and hit a NATO airbase inside a NATO nation or you'll just invite all of NATO to join in the conflict.

Or the US/NATO/Europe can force Russia to fire upon lets say a "humanitarian ship" by sailing through Russian Black Sea blockade forcing US/NATO to hit back and maybe even strikes on Russian targets in Ukraine? US is good at false flags.
If you think any US president or any European leader is stupid enough to risk the lives of their countrymen over some godforsaken east European country with little mineral wealth or strategic value ( in fact it's the opposite , Ukraine is a strategic liability ) you haven't understood the situation at hand at all .

Ukraine is just a stick to beat Russia with . The US role in Europe precisely mirrors what China is attempting in Asia except the pushback is pretty solid by Russia whereas it's pretty weak in Asia by those countries being intimidated by China except India which many commentators here & outside argue is inadequate .

Besides if Russia actually invades Ukraine it'd be inviting the kind of reaction it precisely seeks to avoid - this being NATO presence at it's borders. However having indulged in such brinkmanship if it invades it ought to then occupy all strategic territories which otherwise would definitely be used by NATO to counter Russia in the future. By doing so Russia could well end up biting off more than it can chew.

One of the reasons why Russia is indulging in brinkmanship could well be to settle the issue once & for all at it's terms. I don't know what Russia's Plan B is .
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I think I said it somewhere else here but I think this is how it will go down....

Russia invades and the Euros make a big spectacle about it especially NATO nations bordering Russia and Ukraine and of course will demand the US for help instead of asking the Euros to secure their ow borders. Russia will likely take a big chunk of Eastern and some parts of Southern Ukraine and US response will be deploying its military to these nations that border Russia and Ukraine.

I think that's pretty much it I don't see US/NATO having a pair and declaring Ukrainian airspace a Russian no fly zone. If they wanted to they could do that and shoot down Russian military aircraft over Ukraine, they do have that capability. I don't think Russia would escalate and hit a NATO airbase inside a NATO nation or you'll just invite all of NATO to join in the conflict.

Or the US/NATO/Europe can force Russia to fire upon lets say a "humanitarian ship" by sailing through Russian Black Sea blockade forcing US/NATO to hit back and maybe even strikes on Russian targets in Ukraine? US is good at false flags.

The German chief is right, Europe and the US will only look on regardless of what Russia chooses to do.

America's latest threat is to foment insurgency in Ukraine.

So that's the best the US can do. But an insurgency won't work against Russia because they know how to deal with it. Hell, Biden was even talking about allowing Russia to make some small moves.

After Syria, there should be no doubt that the Russians are taking this seriously.

And you really think Germany is gonna risk Berlin for Kiev?
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How do you guys go & replace one dummy with another in the White House ? It's either over rated ones like O bummer , under rated ones like Trump who shot off his mouth too much for his own good or dummies like Bush & now Biden .

Where are the FDRs or Eisenhowers or Reagans ?
The German chief is right, Europe and the US will only look on regardless of what Russia chooses to do.

America's latest threat is to foment insurgency in Ukraine.

So that's the best the US can do. But an insurgency won't work against Russia because they know how to deal with it. Hell, Biden was even talking about allowing Russia to make some small moves.

After Syria, there should be no doubt that the Russians are taking this seriously.

And you really think Germany is gonna risk Berlin for Kiev?
Nato members wont take any risk of clashing with russia or new upcoming superpower china for a non nato countries. I feel Russians are just posturing to get assurance from NATO that they will not make Ukrain a NATO member. This will end like the legacy cuban crisis , both will retreat since both know the consequences of any escalation.
If the UKS fight a gorilla style warfare with JAVs it will get ugly for Russian ground forces. It will be like those videos of TOW missiles vs Syrian forces but much worse and at a grander scale.

Fire and forget top attack missile... yikes.
Ys, but Russians are not fighting only with Tanks. Ukraine may inflict damage on Russian tanks with ATGMs, but they will be destroyed against Russian military for sure.
Nato members wont take any risk of clashing with russia

What if the battlefield is Ukraine and contained in Ukraine? Lets say US/NATO goes full tard decides UK airspace is now a no Russian fly zone and actually enforces it? Will Russia hit NATO airbases in NATO nations bordering Ukraine to slow these attacks that will result in article 5 and getting all of NATO involved? Don't dismiss US leadership stupidity it could happen after Russia invades and takes huge chunks of eastern and parts of southern Ukraine.

Don't dismiss US leadership to provoke a false flag either. They have done it before.
I feel Russians are just posturing to get assurance from NATO that they will not make Ukrain a NATO member. This will end like the legacy cuban crisis , both will retreat since both know the consequences of any escalation.

Russia has too many forces deployed for it to be just posturing this is the real deal. If we weren't living in pestilence I'd likely agree that nothing will happen but the world has gone mad.

This has been in the making for years by Democrats, establishment, globalist and their allies. There once was a video on Youtube where George Soros admits in interview funding the people that started the coup in Ukraine that ousted the pro-Russian democratically elected president. Putin is in the way of the globalist, US globalist, Euro globalist, global reset leaders, elites, NWO and their allies agenda. Putin is against the perversion/debauchery that the woke west is contaminating many nations with. The whole climate change agenda is laughed at by Putin.

I think we're about a month away and Putin moves in. Late Feb seems to be the date the so called experts are predicting. I don't think Putin has a choice.
gorilla style warfare

*insert meme here*