Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Since July:
The authors double-checked this figure against data broken down by sex and age on the total number of Russians who die each year. Figures for 2023 were not available, but Dmitry Kobak, a researcher, found that 24,000 more men aged 15-49 died in 2022 than female death rates that year would suggest—a close match for the inheritance-based estimate of 25,000 deaths.

Using records of compensation payments to military families, the study suggested that a further 78,000 fighters have been wounded so gravely that they have left military service.
This would bring Russia’s irrecoverable losses to 125,000—nearly the size of its original invading force.

So total deaths and maimed are at 125k, so about 150k in total by now.
this obsession with stats is more of a consolation prize for the losers. It has now become a war of attrition the one with bigger population and more depth in land area will eventually prevail.
this obsession with stats is more of a consolation prize for the losers. It has now become a war of attrition the one with bigger population and more depth in land area will eventually prevail.

Yeah, that began back in May 2022. But even though Russia's bigger, their losses are considerably smaller, that's the main problem for Ukraine. So the main argument alone is the opposite.
looks like sh*** is hitting the roof , must be really feeling miserable losing to a cntry not having toilets 🤣
They're the ones failing to achieve victory against a country that's even poorer on paper. Got to ask yourself how you can have 22% of the planet's natural resources and not be able to afford toilets.
Since July:
The authors double-checked this figure against data broken down by sex and age on the total number of Russians who die each year. Figures for 2023 were not available, but Dmitry Kobak, a researcher, found that 24,000 more men aged 15-49 died in 2022 than female death rates that year would suggest—a close match for the inheritance-based estimate of 25,000 deaths.

Using records of compensation payments to military families, the study suggested that a further 78,000 fighters have been wounded so gravely that they have left military service.
This would bring Russia’s irrecoverable losses to 125,000—nearly the size of its original invading force.

So total deaths and maimed are at 125k, so about 150k in total by now.
Inheritance laws deal with all that. Missing in action is part of it.

And it's not Russian state figures, it's BBC's figures via social media interactions and inheritance claims.

And your argument makes it way worse for the Ukrainians.
Like I said, those are only the recorded deaths. Google vanished/missing Russian combatants. At least 30,000 were missing even back at the start of this year based on relative's concerns from social media sources. Now consider that more than half of Russia doesn't even have toilets, never mind the internet and some have no relatives.

In Russia, no figures are honest. The excess deaths disagree with their official figures massively, so there's no telling if any of the figures are honest.

PS: Please stop using shitty, subscriber only links.
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Russian style of war is attrition. Russia has had far more embarrassing performances in Finland and even in Stalingrad. Their performance in Afghanistan is still among their best operations actually.
They're attriting themselves and there's not going to be any Western support or Normandy landing to bail them out this time.
does that apply only russia or even western powers that went into afghanistan or vietnam.
Afghanistan was successfully invaded in 2 weeks and Bin Laden was found and killed, job complete. Turning Afghanistan into a functional country is not our responsbility, assuming it's even possible. The various factions happily kill each other so well without any middle man.
  • Haha
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Like I said, those are only the recorded deaths. Google vanished/missing Russian combatants. At least 30,000 were missing even back at the start of this year based on relative's concerns from social media sources. Now consider that more than half of Russia doesn't even have toilets, never mind the internet and some have no relatives.

In Russia, no figures are honest. The excess deaths disagree with their official figures massively, so there's no telling if any of the figures are honest.

PS: Please stop using shitty, subscriber only links.

The numbers are too small in comparison. And no, Russia is quite well connected.

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The numbers are too small in comparison. And no, Russia is quite well connected.
The numbers are tens of thousands, then you have the unmentioned missing. Think about it, why does Russia need to keep recruiting hundreds of thousands if only a few dozen thousand have died? You only need to re-recruit because around half are dead.
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"Take it slowly, remove resistance..." There is resistance even in Russia, never mind Ukraine.

In a tunnel too.


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Despite the fact that the Russian Strela-10 air defense system was developed in 1974, and in 2014 it was upgraded to the Strela-10MN version of the air defense system, as it turned out, this air defense system can operate quite effectively against small-sized targets. The air defense system can operate covertly and has 8 9M333 missiles; the complex is capable of hitting targets at a range of up to 5000 meters and an altitude of 3500 meters. The 9K35M air defense missile system is valued for its simplicity and reliability. The story of a Russian operator about the effectiveness of the Strela-10MN air defense system in Ukraine.

The numbers are tens of thousands, then you have the unmentioned missing. Think about it, why does Russia need to keep recruiting hundreds of thousands if only a few dozen thousand have died? You only need to re-recruit because around half are dead.

Subscriber only.


"Take it slowly, remove resistance..." There is resistance even in Russia, never mind Ukraine.

In a tunnel too.

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