Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Numbers would show in Russian obituaries and social media.
There's 30k extra missing based on social media (above the 509k excess deaths) and not all of Russia even has a toilet, let alone the internet. And then you have ones without relatives.
I wonder if you know how many Ukrainian soldiers have shown up in Ukrainian social media and obituaries. You will have to find that out for yourself, it's not a very flattering number. I won't tell you 'cause you won't believe it anyway.
Far less than Russia, as stated previously they have >1 drone for every Russian.
You are severely underestimating Russian jets.

Here's the reality.
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These are real world figures conducted in an exercise by the IAF.

We used 300 jets to generate 4000+ sorties in 3 days for air defense. The Russians, with 500, are capable of generating over 2000 sorties a day only for air defense. With 152 Rafales, France can only generate less than 800 sorties a day. Bring in strike jets, then Russia will be generating 4000-5000 sorties a day in total.

And you haven't considered the effect of their SAMs, which will really take away the attention of NATO's air assets, even the Rafales. They very easily have 300 batteries of SAMs, 100+ of those being S-400s. So even 10000 sorties a day for NATO is just a minimum. With 3000 jets, NATO will be able to generate 15000 sorties a day. An optimum number will be 20000 sorties, which means NATO really needs 4000 jets.

So when we are talking about such high numbers, France's 800 sorties are peanuts. So you can see how important the USAF is gonna be versus pretty much anybody else. France's contribution to requirements is just 5%.

It gets worse when we point out that the IAF's exercise wasn't conducted at 100% capacity. There was a significant spare capacity leftover for security reasons. Some have claimed what was demonstrated was half of what could actually be done. Primarily 'cause the jets only had to travel a short distance, especially the ones earmarked for air defense. So you could say the potential for air defense was actually 6000-7000 sorties over 3 days with 300 jets, if not more.

And we are only talking about Russia's pre-war inventory. What do you think's gonna happen by 2030, when their new budget accrues over the years? If India plans to operate almost 1000 jets, then Russia very easily has the money to build 2000, China as well. So there is potential for parity with NATO. And France's component will be a tiny fraction of that.
Russian fighters are falling from the sky themselves.
They are obviously using different exchange rates. Look up the rub value. Revenues are 35T rub and expenses are 36.6T rub, the difference is 1.6T rub.
I'm going by your own figures at present exchange rates.
Ruble has merely weakened, it's not due to any weakening of the economy.
So 118 x 2.5 = 295 x 2 (100% increase 'cause of exchange rate) = $590B. Basically all their stuff costs half of what they cost in the West.
Where is your x2 'cause of exchange rate from? How old is your article? It was revised to 9.3T rubles in October, a reduction from previous plan.:ROFLMAO:

In fact their exchange rate has pretty much dropped by 3 times since 2014, so it's even higher than what I've calculated.
No, see above.
No. 30 years ago they started with nuke tech, and now have better tech than the US, with new BMs and other types of nuclear delivery vehicles, like that endless range torpedo and cruise missile. And of course, they have managed to bridge the gap significantly with their new SSNs and SSBNs. Their conventional drive started only 15-20 years ago, so we will see the results over the next 10 years as it hits production, Su-57, Armata, S-500 etc.
Endless range torpedo is slow and useless, it's not new tech. either, just a new use of existing tech. Su-57 isn't stealthy. Armata will be just as useless as T-90 when it finally arrives, and S-XXX has proven useless in this war. As regards Avangard, nobody has ever seen one. Articles are using artists impressions of a HTV-2 with a Russian badge on it. The film Firefox is based on fears of what the MiG-31 would be, see how that turned out. At the present rate of solid-state laser advancement, The US will be able to shoot down their missiles with lasers soon.
US capex spending is $140B. Russia's capex spending is at least 60-70% of their budget, that's $360-420B. So 2 x (US + EU) should give you that much.

Before the war, their capex spending was closer to 80% of the budget.
Capex isn't necessarily for new stuff. Most of the stuff it's building is either blowing up and getting blown up shortly after due to war. Not so much for US.
How a war is prosecuted is a different topic. And it's not about Taiwan.

All we are discussing is the absolute spending. All it means is China's spending more, so that accrues over time.
How much is being spent on yachts given nature of authoritarian regime.
Yes, having allies is a saving grace, but the allies aren't doing enough. For example, the French cannot even do 10% of the sortie rate required per day to defeat Russia with all their Rafales.
Any western aircraft will do better than Russia has managed in Ukraine. They've barely used their aircraft and still they're falling out of the sky by themselves due to exhaustion.
Anyway, the West has to deal with both China and Russia. So China with 2x the combines US and EU budget + the same with Russia. Your main enemies are effectively spending four times more.
There are ~40 countries to deal with Russia and China.
Perhaps now you understand why India is so important to the US. Even we will achieve superpower spending levels by 2030. For one, the IAF plans to launch 100 military satellites by 2030, more or less matching the 3 main powers.

The West can't gouge the Russians since they are dealing with market prices. And the Russians are now making their own electronics.
It's the electronics smugglers that are gouging them.
Unless you can give them 10,000 such missiles, it's gonna be useless.
We absolutely can, but it won't take nearly that many to take out the key production facilities. <1,000 cruise missiles per year targeting Russian defence production infrastructure will be more than enough. Basically, we can produce missiles >100x faster than they can produce factories and that's the only metric that matters once it begins.
I'm going by your own figures at present exchange rates.


Where is your x2 'cause of exchange rate from? How old is your article? It was revised to 9.3T rubles in October, a reduction from previous plan.:ROFLMAO:

No, see above.

What on earth are you talking about?

Endless range torpedo is slow and useless, it's not new tech. either, just a new use of existing tech. Su-57 isn't stealthy. Armata will be just as useless as T-90 when it finally arrives, and S-XXX has proven useless in this war. As regards Avangard, nobody has ever seen one. Articles are using artists impressions of a HTV-2 with a Russian badge on it. The film Firefox is based on fears of what the MiG-31 would be, see how that turned out. At the present rate of solid-state laser advancement, The US will be able to shoot down their missiles with lasers soon.

Sure, you wanna say nothing Russian works, fine. But you're still gonna have to keep up,'cause the Pentagon is unlikely to share in your sentiments.

Capex isn't necessarily for new stuff. Most of the stuff it's building is either blowing up and getting blown up shortly after due to war. Not so much for US.

What Russia's losing in the war is peanuts.

How much is being spent on yachts given nature of authoritarian regime.

Private money.

Any western aircraft will do better than Russia has managed in Ukraine. They've barely used their aircraft and still they're falling out of the sky by themselves due to exhaustion.

Sure. But the opposite of Western military views.

There are ~40 countries to deal with Russia and China.

It's about money, not the number of countries. Or you could compare populations. China and Russia have 1.6 billion people. US and allies have 1.1 billion.

It's the electronics smugglers that are gouging them.

Lol. What a million bucks?

We absolutely can, but it won't take nearly that many to take out the key production facilities. <1,000 cruise missiles per year targeting Russian defence production infrastructure will be more than enough. Basically, we can produce missiles >100x faster than they can produce factories and that's the only metric that matters once it begins.

Er... No. That's not how it works. You'd need 10,000 to 20,000 fighter sorties a day alongside 5,000-10,000 missiles a day. And that would probably cripple maybe 20-30% of their production. Ukraine can't do anything to Russia's production.
Footage from the Ukrainian M2A2 ODS Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, made in the USA, captured by Russian units during the fighting in the Avdiivka direction. The Bradley infantry fighting vehicle was used by the 47th separate mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian army and was knocked out on the northern flank of Avdiivka. As previously reported, Bradley infantry fighting vehicles could not evacuate Russian units to the rear for a long time; this was hampered by the Ukrainian army and the poor condition of the roads. As a result, this was done with the help of two military tractors. As can be seen from the video, the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle was quickly restored and is already on the move, and the external appearance of the armored personnel carrier does not look bad. It is not reported whether Russian units of the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle will be used in combat operations, or will be sent to factories for research.

What on earth are you talking about?
I ask myself that everytime you post.
Sure, you wanna say nothing Russian works, fine. But you're still gonna have to keep up,'cause the Pentagon is unlikely to share in your sentiments.
Proof is in the pudding. They can't even count FFS.
What Russia's losing in the war is peanuts.
Private money.
Nope, corruption.
Sure. But the opposite of Western military views.
Look at the facts, their airforce has been useless. It's mostly served as a ground target.
It's about money, not the number of countries. Or you could compare populations. China and Russia have 1.6 billion people. US and allies have 1.1 billion.
The number of countries and money is so high that they can spend a fraction and still be better.
Lol. What a million bucks?
Whatever they want, it's not like Russia has other options.
Er... No. That's not how it works. You'd need 10,000 to 20,000 fighter sorties a day alongside 5,000-10,000 missiles a day. And that would probably cripple maybe 20-30% of their production. Ukraine can't do anything to Russia's production.
Clearly not, only a couple hundred Storm Shadows were given to Ukraine and not all have been used yet, and look at the damage they've done, even though targeting was restricted to Ukraine. Multiply the number by 10 but with JASSM-ER and Tomahawks and allow Russian production plants to be hit. Then hit them again as soon as they're rebuilt. Aircraft production would be a prime target, as would artillery and munitions factories.
On numbers:

I ask myself that everytime you post.

You should get an education then.

The number of countries and money is so high that they can spend a fraction and still be better.

You need disposable income. The high income countries are becoming poorer due to unchecked welfare and people becoming more and more reliable on it to the point of dependency, to the point where now these countries cannot focus as much on defense, 'cause there's not enough growth.

Clearly not, only a couple hundred Storm Shadows were given to Ukraine and not all have been used yet, and look at the damage they've done, even though targeting was restricted to Ukraine. Multiply the number by 10 but with JASSM-ER and Tomahawks and allow Russian production plants to be hit. Then hit them again as soon as they're rebuilt. Aircraft production would be a prime target, as would artillery and munitions factories.

Sure, you can believe that.
You should get an education then.
I'm likely more educated than you.
You need disposable income. The high income countries are becoming poorer due to unchecked welfare and people becoming more and more reliable on it to the point of dependency, to the point where now these countries cannot focus as much on defense, 'cause there's not enough growth.
More to cut shouyld we ever need to. No such cutting margins in Russia.
Sure, you can believe that.
It's proven. The only thing saving Russia is NATO currently restricting missile use to the border of Ukraine.
I'm likely more educated than you.


You don't need to state that, you need to prove that.

More to cut shouyld we ever need to. No such cutting margins in Russia.

Good luck matching their budget.

It's proven. The only thing saving Russia is NATO currently restricting missile use to the border of Ukraine.

If a small number of missiles were enough, NATO would have delivered them already.
On numbers:


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I think its a fake

You don't need to state that, you need to prove that.
Don't need to, I have my qualifications.
Good luck matching their budget.
Seriously, nations with a combined GDP of $50tr are going to struggle you think?
If a small number of missiles were enough, NATO would have delivered them already.
I said 1,000 per year targeted at production facilities inside Russia. At the moment NATO has restricted Ukraine from such targets, that will eventually change. If they provide LRASM, they could also make the whole Black Sea a no-go area for Russia.

Who's really funding this war for Russia:

I think its a fake
Be careful to understand that we have been in a game of influence for several weeks, particularly recently.

In the USA, the Republicans want Biden to act on immigration so that they accept a compromise, this is not a debate for or against aid to Ukraine. All the influence of fear of Russia is used to convince a few elected officials so that they prefer to release funds for Ukraine while leaving immigration measures aside for the next vote. Whether it's the statements of this or that (including Ukrainian officials), let's understand that this is not "information", let's not treat it like that.

Russia has also been meddling in this influence game lately. For her, the speech gives the illusion that everything is going well for her, that she will continue her fight until the end and that helping Ukraine is just a waste of money, that is no use, it only postpones the inevitable. Here too we are not faced with information, it is influence, psychology which even targets foreigners more than the Russian population itself.

Moscow needs the West to abandon Ukraine to win, if Western aid had no impact on its chances of winning, it would not talk about it, it would focus on its military strength and its capabilities to take it away by force.

You cannot say on the one hand that Western aid changes nothing when at the same time your army has been in a defensive position for more than a year due to military difficulties. We discuss for weeks whether the Russian army advances 100m in two or three places on the map, this is not proof that Russia dominates the situation or crushes the Ukrainian army, because basically the latter can do the same at other places on the front.

The situation is what it is, that is to say that neither Ukraine nor Russia has any military superiority, that even if Western aid is not going to wipe out the Russian army in 1 month, it allows the Ukrainian army to use it. No matter what Putin and company say, this war is not being fought as a simple formality with victory guaranteed, as if it would be written in advance. Even if they give the impression that there are no problems with human resources, ammunition, materials and they act as if it is only in the face that it is subject to wear and tear, it is still influence, psychology and not information.

Many of us still maintain the imagination of a Russian army which would be a bottomless pit of men, equipment and ammunition. Doing this leads us to consider that in this war of attrition, we would only be counting the time before Ukraine loses, that it is only Ukraine which risks running out of materials, ammunition, men. Raise for a moment the opposite idea, that is to say that time and the wear and tear of war will cause Russia to weaken at the risk of losing, this becomes for some an impossible, unimaginable thing. But I will repeat it, when I see today that for the Kremlin we seem to depend on a Western abandonment of Ukraine to envisage military victory, for me this is not at all the expression of confidence in his chances of winning through his own abilities (in his possession or in the future).

There, aid has been limited for several weeks, and we have had a front that remains fixed. I repeat, it is not 50m in 3 weeks to a place that should make people say that the Russians are "advancing" and that the Ukrainians are in difficulty, any more than we can do it on the left bank of the Dnieper by reversing the roles.

The new Western aid that is being negotiated in the USA and Europe is not nothing. It is she who determines the continuation of the war and which will define the next phase. It is she who will make it possible to change the situation, whether by accelerating and increasing the attrition of the Russians or by giving the Ukrainians the means to gain a military advantage. But if we continue to tell ourselves that usury does not affect the Russians, then obviously we will want to tell ourselves that this aid will not change anything. Yet when we look at the ground, are we observing a Russian army which continues to consume its old stock of Soviet equipment or a Russian army which is there unpacking a mass of new production to replace and densify its armed forces? I think we all agree to say that we are in the first case, I think we all agree to understand that we will not see a military upheaval coming on the Russian side, that they will continue the war like what we see today but without a rebound in capabilities. It is not for nothing that they hope for Western abandonment of Ukraine, that they want to put an end to it as quickly as possible, the Russian army is not getting stronger as time goes by.

There must be no doubt, Western aid will be released, one or the other will have given in on this or that point. We will once again see donations close to what we saw at the start of this year, weekly donations closer to 1500 million than 150 million. We will once again be entitled to a sort of global "program" which will include the training of troops, equipment and the definition of a future offensive strategy. For the USA, the 61 billion will be until September 2024 (fiscal year) that it will be able to develop, for information between February 2022 and now the Americans have spent around 45 billion. Let us understand the volume/time ratio that this aid will bring, of course we should not believe that everything that was given before was destroyed by the Russians. For Europeans, there are many countries (including France) waiting for the release of 50 billion from the EU. There are 17 billion in it which are used to reimburse the value of what we will give to the Ukrainians, many countries will “benefit” from it.

Today we are in a tactical limbo in which the Ukrainians and Russians are waiting for the next wave of Western aid to be released. The choices (donations) that are made will have a certain influence on this conflict. In a few months there will be as much given as in almost 2 years. We must not only obsess over 155mm shells to think that the West is at the end of what it can offer.
Don't need to, I have my qualifications.

They don't show here.

Seriously, nations with a combined GDP of $50tr are going to struggle you think?

Yes. Like how even the rich go bankrupt. Without producing more children, how are you going to sustain an economy while also militarizing?

The Russians have managed to increase spending on their economy and military at the same time. But the West has to sacrifice one for the other.

I said 1,000 per year targeted at production facilities inside Russia. At the moment NATO has restricted Ukraine from such targets, that will eventually change. If they provide LRASM, they could also make the whole Black Sea a no-go area for Russia.

1000 missiles a year won't do anything. Making the Black Sea worthless to the Russians is pretty much worthless to the Ukrainians as well, victory needs to be achieved on land and against existing troops on the front.

Putin claims 244000 Russians are fighting in Ukraine and 486000 new troops have signed up. You can't attack these soldiers with long range missiles.
They don't show here.
You only think that because you are wrong.
Yes. Like how even the rich go bankrupt. Without producing more children, how are you going to sustain an economy while also militarizing?
By cutting lots of things, plus new innovation.
The Russians have managed to increase spending on their economy and military at the same time. But the West has to sacrifice one for the other.
Russia has no more cuts it can make on spending elsewhere, and China is helping them massively too.
1000 missiles a year won't do anything. Making the Black Sea worthless to the Russians is pretty much worthless to the Ukrainians as well, victory needs to be achieved on land and against existing troops on the front.
Damage to assets costs money. One of the main reasons for this was was Sevastopol and control of the Black Sea. By neutralising their entire Black Sea Fleet, they lose control of the Black Sea. Imagine hitting even 500 Russian defence production facilities, if there are that many, like the Almaz-Antey, NPO Energomash plants etc. Hit them during the day and kill the defence production workers too. Hit the Sukhoi, MiG design and Makeyez design bureaus and kill all the engineers.....etc.
Putin claims 244000 Russians are fighting in Ukraine and 486000 new troops have signed up. You can't attack these soldiers with long range missiles.
You don't need to, you just kill off their ammunition and fuel supplies.
Russia has no more cuts it can make on spending elsewhere, and China is helping them massively too.

You have no idea, obviously, how much the Russian govt has grown since the sanctions.

Damage to assets costs money. One of the main reasons for this was was Sevastopol and control of the Black Sea. By neutralising their entire Black Sea Fleet, they lose control of the Black Sea. Imagine hitting even 500 Russian defence production facilities, if there are that many, like the Almaz-Antey, NPO Energomash plants etc. Hit them during the day and kill the defence production workers too. Hit the Sukhoi, MiG design and Makeyez design bureaus and kill all the engineers.....etc.

Yeah, good luck.
You have no idea, obviously, how much the Russian govt has grown since the sanctions.
Military grew, everything else was cut. It has workers not being fully paid and working massive overtime in the defence industry
Yeah, good luck.
There inability to defend against Storm Shadow points to weaknesses. If they were properly exploited it would change the war completely.