Taiwan Gives Up On F-35, Turns to F-16V Option - Their M-2000s are up for sale

HiMARS is no longer a factor in the war, Russian defenses have succeeded against it. And sinking Russia's crappy navy is no big deal, they are still stuck with Cold War era junk. The Russians started their modernization process only a few years ago with the Gorshkov class frigates. China's a different cup of tea.
The latest warship sunk was commissioned in July 2022, right during the ongoing war, and belonging to a class whose first ship was laid down in 2014. So it's not old Cold War era junk; it's modern Russian junk.

As for HIMARS no longer being a factor, that's a ridiculous argument. By that same token, drones are no longer a factor, missiles are no longer a factor, tanks are no longer a factor, infantry is no longer a factor...

The Russians are fighting at a ridiculously slow pace. I guess instead of finishing off the UAF, they would prefer Trump putting a stop to the war next year. In the meantime, they would try taking back as much land as possible.
How can Trump put a stop to the war? By withholding US aid to Ukraine so Ukraine is forced to capitulate entirely? Did you miss that this has already happened six months ago and Ukraine is still fighting? While US aid may be gone, Ukraine has adapted to this, and European aid is ramping up. Trump will not be able to dictate anything to the Ukrainian, unless he enters the conflict directly on the side of Russia. Which honestly wouldn't surprise me that much, but might lead to a coup in America to remove him from power.

The only reason why the pace of fighting seems ridiculously slow to you is because Ukraine fights fiercely. Every day, in every assault direction, there are dozens of Russian meatwaves as the Russians still operate according to the principle that they have more peons than the enemy has ammunition. That worked in Avdiivka because that was right at the point where America ceased sending shells and the Ukrainians had not adapted their tactics to the loss of American aid yet. It's no longer working.
But they are not defeated. At least yet.
Against nincoomps Ukraine....😅
Had it been US, china, India then the entire Russian Army might would have been crushed. Already check Putin's statement that if China tries to to take over Siberia then they will directly use Nukes.
Why? Because they don't have conventional capabilities anymore, hence nukes will be used as soon as China goes to war with Russia.

Nukes have been handed over to local commanders and are actively deployed against China....😊
There is too much “Made in China” propaganda on this thread. Each of the post person thinks that Chinese missiles and aircraft would conquer Taiwan in matter of hours. But this has not happened. First, Chinese know that their military hardware is mostly copy or reverse engineered hence may work or may not work. Wherever it has been exported, it has resulted in bad name for the supplier, although cheap. ….Second, the economic impact of fire fight over Taiwan will jeopardize if not all but big portion of trade on which China depends. This loss may be as big as a trillion dollar loss. That much losses China is not prepared to suffer……. Hence Chinese favourite game and that is intimidate but don’t get into war.

Hence, all you guys, do not fall into the Chinese trap of lies and propaganda. They are first rate liars in statistics and telling the real thing.

China's using its financial muscle to give itself some advantages that others cannot match. We should be thankful for their current economic troubles.
They are looking not just for land but also for regime change. Taking over land and fending off guerilla attacks will stretch them thin. Instead they can install a puppet govt and then it can take all the brunt of attacks, while they constantly undermine the ukraine state.

Zelensky is here to stay though. The US will protect him from the Russians. Although how well they can protect Zelensky from his own people is a question that needs answering.
And this is why USA will remains behind Taiwan. My bet is that we will see a short and fierce aerobattle in the next 10 years, probably before, between China and Taiwan + USA (+ Japan ?).

Perhaps. I don't know, your guess is as good as mine. My guess is the Chinese will encourage NoKo to invade SoKo, and while the US is busy fighting NoKo, then China will invade Taiwan. When that happens, the Chinese can negotiate for a NoKo withdrawal in exchange for a US withdrawal from Taiwan or handing over Taiwan without a fight. This will prevent a war with AUKUS.

If that fails, then China could also enter the fight on NoKo's side and invade Taiwan simultaneously. This way, as long as the Chinese feel confident, they can take away both SoKo and Taiwan from the US.

All this can be achieved without nuclear weapons coming into play.
I'm quite sure that there would have been no war under a Trump administration.

It's the Democrats 'causing all the problems. I won't be surprised if the West is actually preparing for WW3. All those illegal migrants would make more sense then, plenty of cannon fodder.
The latest warship sunk was commissioned in July 2022, right during the ongoing war, and belonging to a class whose first ship was laid down in 2014. So it's not old Cold War era junk; it's modern Russian junk.

Which one? They only have 3 new ships and none are in the Black Sea.

As for HIMARS no longer being a factor, that's a ridiculous argument. By that same token, drones are no longer a factor, missiles are no longer a factor, tanks are no longer a factor, infantry is no longer a factor...

It was a factor initially, but the Russians later figured out how to beat it, so it's just become a normal battlefield weapon like all the others you mentioned.

How can Trump put a stop to the war? By withholding US aid to Ukraine so Ukraine is forced to capitulate entirely? Did you miss that this has already happened six months ago and Ukraine is still fighting? While US aid may be gone, Ukraine has adapted to this, and European aid is ramping up. Trump will not be able to dictate anything to the Ukrainian, unless he enters the conflict directly on the side of Russia. Which honestly wouldn't surprise me that much, but might lead to a coup in America to remove him from power.

The only reason why the pace of fighting seems ridiculously slow to you is because Ukraine fights fiercely. Every day, in every assault direction, there are dozens of Russian meatwaves as the Russians still operate according to the principle that they have more peons than the enemy has ammunition. That worked in Avdiivka because that was right at the point where America ceased sending shells and the Ukrainians had not adapted their tactics to the loss of American aid yet. It's no longer working.

Trump has the ability to place serious economic and military pressures on Europe. Although I don't think the Russians will agree to a ceasefire and negotiations on equal grounds that Trump desires. It was possible in 2022, not today, when the Russians have the military advantage. So, yeah, Trump can try, but I think the EU's gonna have to pick up the slack.

There are no Russian meatwave assaults, it's fake news as is for pretty much everthing you hear in your media. The Russians have the ability to finish the war, but at massive cost to human life and materials. So we need to see what decision they make during the course of the year, before Trump comes to power.
Which one? They only have 3 new ships and none are in the Black Sea.
Sergey Kotov, one of the six Project 22160 patrol ship which Russia has been building for the Black Sea for the last ten years.
Trump has the ability to place serious economic and military pressures on Europe.
He can try, but I think if he actually manages to win the US elections, the EU will be seriously fed up with America's bullshit.
There are no Russian meatwave assaults, it's fake news as is for pretty much everthing you hear in your media.
Tell that to Morozov, oh wait, you can't because he got suicided for blabbing about it.

The Russians absolutely do use meatwave tactics, that has been their go-to since forever and they haven't changed their doctrine since the 18th century. Why do you think they emptied their prisons? Why do you think they've started luring clueless Indians to fight for them?
Sergey Kotov, one of the six Project 22160 patrol ship which Russia has been building for the Black Sea for the last ten years.

That's just a patrol boat, it doesn't have any defenses. Their large warship modernization is still ongoing, they have just 3 frigates out of a planned 10. Meaning, their entire navy today has only 3 ships capable of protecting themselves against modern NATO weapons.

Their first modern ship for the Black Sea is still in the works.

And their main upcoming ship is the Lider class, which hasn't even begun construction.

Right now, in the Black Sea, they have 3 Grigorovich class ships that come with some modern ADS, like Shtil-1, but they are unlikely to survive a large volley attack.

He can try, but I think if he actually manages to win the US elections, the EU will be seriously fed up with America's bullshit.

But what are you gonna do about it? He will win the elections, landslide. I'm actually expecting a 12-year run for the Republicans.

Tell that to Morozov, oh wait, you can't because he got suicided for blabbing about it.

The Russians absolutely do use meatwave tactics, that has been their go-to since forever and they haven't changed their doctrine since the 18th century. Why do you think they emptied their prisons? Why do you think they've started luring clueless Indians to fight for them?

They are using most of their prisoners to run factories. Cheap labor.

And yeah, they are using immigrants too, but it's not for meatwave assaults.

The Russians are using the tactics they are using just to keep the casualty rate down. If they had reached the point of being forced to use meatwave assaults, then this war would have looked very different. Meaning, the West would not be struggling to actually show proof of these meatwave assaults. You'd actually see the bodies.
When quality problems are written all over suppliers materials then it is alright to make fun of the supplier that is China.
More than half of our population is obsessed with Chinese smartphones and they are as if not more high-tech than Samsung. So we can't overlook Chinese advances in science and tech.

Even US considers China as a formidable foe and peer rival, so we must not underestimate them either.