Neither am I discussing your command over English, but you seriously have a Ghajini syndrome - aka short term memory. Here is what you wrote - "There is no question of 'un-knowledgeable', wherever that grammatical abomination has been dragged out from;" - and I acknowledged your command over English language. Be humble to accept admiration from others.
Too late for that, dear Sir. Praising my English and admiring it is an excessively trodden down path.
You have a style to demolish other's arguments - by attacking the subject by calling names and fear mongering, rather than being objective.
- sad discussion
- decrepit
- pompous
- diseased vision,
- closed and superstition-laden mind-set,
- existence of ghosts and goblins,
- dangerous, diseased vision by diseased intellects,
- threatens our society
- pseudo-scientific nonsense
Unfortunate, Sir, because these are all accurate. It is a sad discussion, when one of the discussants is mired in superstition and ignorance; it is decrepit, in the sense of the literal meaning of the term; it is also pompous, demonstrating diseased vision, displaying a closed and superstition-laden mindset. It does reflect the existence of ghosts and goblins; what else is Kali supposed to be? We have spoken already of diseased vision, surely it does not offend you so hugely to add diseased intellects to it? what was it that was said about the kind of character that swallows a camel and strains at a gnat?
I hope you will grant me the liberal freedom to voice an opinion, even a pompous opinion born of a diseased vision and displaying a closed and superstition-laden mind-set that acknowledges the existence of ghosts and goblins, to the effect that such things threaten our society. I hope that same liberal attitude in allowing me to claim that these are pseudo-scientific, in that they ape the language and apparel of science, but have nothing remotely akin to science within them.
Stop assuming my education, experience and my background.
Unfortunately, the intellectual predispositions demonstrated come from only a certain kind of background training (not education), experience and background. The principle used is, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it IS a duck.
But I seriously doubt yours, because you only seem to parrot what others so called "scientists" have theorized as science based on their convenience and the benefits they derived - the funding of billion dollars, the self aggrandizing for "re-search" patents which already existed, etc.
Please feel free to do so, Sir. It doesn't bother me. I have only a minute amount of contempt to spare for those who challenge me on those grounds, and that amount is exhausted in one post of this sort.
As for the rage displayed at the so called scientists, that speaks volumes about your own experience and background, not about what is wrong with the world, that can be cured with a minute amount of cultural regression.
There is nothing original that they could create!! They have simply put together existing energies and matter together to make lifeless things to work. Period. This is material science. They cannot create a single element nor any form of energy from nothing "shunya". But they know where all matter and energy came from - "the Big Bang" and finally gets consumed into - "the black hole", where it disappears into "shunya". They cant go any further than this. They are simply into the process of discovering what already exists and was know to us!!
And modern life science is a big SCAM to rip humanity into everlasting self-torture.
Quod erat demonstrandum. Apparently, Sir, tenure is difficult of attainment; after attaining this Holy Grail, continued recognition for the sterile of mind is another obstacle. It is better to blast them with the charge of imitative practices recycling what has already been done, and with excessive dependence on billions of dollars for self-promotion to hide their inadequacy of original research, than to try to compete with them.
Please be sure, Sir, your plight attracts sympathy along with pity. It is still possible to abandon the Californians to their hedonistic life-style and to return to India to deceive some gullibles and earn a very decent living from their dakshina. You could take a cue from another retired engineer and launch, say, the Art of Loving series.
excuse me, but earning a fortune is not the purpose of my life. I have already explained in my previous post - it is about Karma and liberation.
Oops! Sir, a thousand apologies. I was not aware that matters are in such a perilous state.
Yes, let us agree to leave these mundane things behind to those who can achieve them, and let us move on to the realm of the higher mind.
As the word on the banner proclaimed, Sir, "Excelsior".