Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Seems they have replaced the crew seats in an A-22 with extra fuel for 2000+km range at $65k!

Three Ukrainian drones attacked at 5:45 a.m. the Russian oil refinery Elaz-Nefteproduct in Nizhnekamsk and an enterprise with a dormitory in Yelabuga. Presumably, Ukrainian Aeroprakt aircraft converted into drones were used for the attack. The refinery was reportedly not damaged. The dormitory was damaged as a result of the attacks

Seeing these rounds is getting more commonplace increasingly...what does Idlib have to do with the war in Ukraine? What's the context?

I think it's this. I can only assume it's some kind of revenge on Russia that attributes responsibility, partial or otherwise, to them.

So a top 3 air force nation at war with its neighbor has no CAP or AWACS protecting its airspace for cessna size aircraft? I can understand not having AWACS since they lost 2 recently but no Flankers or Mig-31's? :unsure:
The worst part is that said aircraft cost $65k. :ROFLMAO:

It's one of these with the pilot spaces replaced with more fuel and HE.

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Seeing these rounds is getting more commonplace increasingly...what does Idlib have to do with the war in Ukraine? What's the context?
Those "sign my rocket/bomb/shell" things are fundraisers. So one person who hated Russia for what it did in Idlib paid to send this message.

At least it's not completely retarded like the Russians launching bombs with "for crocus hall" on it, since at least the target is the right one in this case.

Seriously, the official Russian narrative is that the Crocus terrorists were going to Kyiv to receive bitcoin. You know, the non-physical currency that is exclusively traded over the Internet. They were going physically to Kyiv to get some physical bitcoins. Russia's lies are so stupid, so blatant, that you can't help but wonder how people still fall for them.
Peace is tge only alternative left…… Listen to Pope’s advice and stop the war. America or Ukraine are unlikely to win. Only more Ukrainians will be dead on top of 200,000 already dead. If there were American casualties then America would be running for peace. They have very cleverly avoided that.
Peace is tge only alternative left…… Listen to Pope’s advice and stop the war. America or Ukraine are unlikely to win. Only more Ukrainians will be dead on top of 200,000 already dead. If there were American casualties then America would be running for peace. They have very cleverly avoided that.
The only road to peace is through Russia's complete defeat.

Otherwise, you won't have peace, at most you will obtain a temporary ceasefire before war starts anew.

Russia does not want long-lasting peace, it wants all of its empire back, and then more. If Russia isn't defeated in Ukraine, the war will only get bigger.

I do agree with you that if Americans were suffering any losses, they would sue for peace instantly. Americans are cowardly surrender monkeys. They surrendered to Somali insurgents when they lost just one copter, they surrendered to Assad when he crossed Obama's "red line", they surrendered to the Talibans, and they have already surrendered to the Russians by entirely stopping their military aid to Ukraine for half a year. If Trump is elected he'll surrender Alaska to Russia in exchange for Putin paying his legal fees, lol.

But if Ukraine receives support, then Russia is very unlikely to win. While Russia is gaining some ground currently, it is only at a snail's pace, and they have huge losses for every meter they crawl. They'll never be able to take control over all Ukraine, let alone the five oblasts they have decided they want. With more air defense and some new fighter jets to counter Russia's bombers and missiles, Russia will be utterly unable to get even the modest gains they can still make currently. And despite their war economy, Russia is still losing hardware faster than it is producing them, which is why they had to buy weapons from Iran and North Korea, and why they are now using Chinese golf carts as an infantry fighting vehicle. Before the golf carts, it was the MT-LB used as IFV; something they're not supposed to be, but they just don't have enough BMPs and BTRs anymore. They've had to resort to using T-54 and T-55 because they can't produce enough new tanks.

For all these reasons, the worst thing that could happen would be attempting some sort of ceasefire before Russia is utterly booted out of Ukraine. They'd only use the time given to build back up their army and would attack anew once they feel they are ready.

If you want peace, Ukraine must win.
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Operators of the SSO of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed tank tractors, BMPs and enemy servicemen​