Take it for what it's worth.
Project 18 class destroyers will be equipped with advanced systems such as electromagnetic railguns, laser-based close-in weapon systems, advanced AESA and PESA radars, and active and passive array sonars. Kakinda Shipyard in collaboration with Mazgaon docks and L&T will lay keel for the destroyers that will have a displacement of 9000 tonnes. Meanwhile, DRDO in collaboration with Bharat Electronics will be designing the next generation of radar systems. The already developed Air and Missile defence system (AMDS) is being further worked upon. The AESA and PESA are to have extended ranges and possible merger into one multi-band radar. The destroyer will also have an X-band optronic mast detector radar.
For the project, DRDO in collaboration with Bharat Electronics will be designing next generation of radar systems to be incorporated into the planned
18-class. The already developed AMDS will be worked on further. The AESA and PESA radars will see extended ranges, and possible merger into one multi-band radar. The destroyer will also have an
X-band optronic mast detector radar.
18-class destroyers will be able to carry enough space for a single utility helicopter. The destroyers will be equipped with advanced UCAVs and UAVs, a possible compact version to be deployed on the destroyers of the EMALS is being worked out.
Project-18 class destroyers will have following armaments
Ballistic missiles and hypersonic Bramhos-II:
The next generation of point missile defense capable of launching Brahmos II will be worked upon.
The Electromagnetic Railgun:
Electromagnetic gun replacing the famed Otobreda of Indian Navy, will be supported with laser based CIWS, in works in LASTEC of DRDO. The warship will be deployed with 300 kW of laser system, capable of shooting down the aerial threats. The planned CIWS will draw inspiration from the present Phalnax CIWS and have its own radar. Indian Army has also expressed interests in the project, for it wishes to mount laser based systems on its combat vehicles. Additionally, the warship will also be equipped with small 100 kW laser based weapon systems with faster charging rates and continuous rate of application.
Laser-based CIWS
It is being developed by DRDO’s Laser Science and Technology Centre, Delhi will employ 300 kW of laser system enough to take out any aerial threat. It will have its own radar. In addition, the warship will have a smaller 100kW laser too.
How will this mega ship be powered?
It will use Integrated Electric Propulsion (IEP). L& T and DRDO will further work on DRDO’s already launched programe GATET for marine propulsion. The planned gas turbine will deliver power up to 36 MW, and destroyer will have 2 of these to deliver a power of 72 MW, in conjugation with 2 diesel generators of 10 MW each and 2 electric propulsion motors of 20 MW. Tata Advanced Systems Ltd. (TASL) which has designed platform, bridge, and Combat Management Systems in the past will work on Diesel generators and motors.
Project-18 aims to launch the lead ship in 2028. DRDO has spared 1.5 billion dollars for the programme from its annual budget.