LOC Flare up: Related news and Discussions

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Nothing will happen.
Today I tell you the katu-satya whether one likes it or not.
Indian government and our leaders have become besharams just like the rest of the Hindus are. They know that out of 80 crore hindus if even few hundred get killed in such mishappenings , it's not affecting the larger population and no one also cares. But if you go to war with pakistan, the economy will go down dhanda will be chopat.
Nothing will happen.
Today I tell you the katu-satya whether one likes it or not.
Indian government and our leaders have become besharams just like the rest of the Hindus are. They know that out of 80 crore hindus if even few hundred die , it's not affecting them. But if you go to war with pakistan, the economy will go down dhanda will be chopat.
Hindus are fools, our forefathers piled up wealth in temple to please some random god, didn't utilized the miney for military or for society, result was Afghani attackers come & go without any resistance, they molested our great grandmaas in street, in sultan's palace. Neither the priests you give respect/lister or the god didn't come for your rescue.

We did not learn anything from history, despite of having two nuclear countries as your enemy, we still hesitant to increase the defense budget, nit even 1.5 percentage of your GDP is spending to modernize military.
The new strategy of terrorists to target civilians using pistol has not gone down well with govt. The inputs are that this will soon be expanded to armed forces also in coming days. The tempo of militancy is going to increase with the LET cadres released from Afghan Prisons being sent to Kashmir. I do not rule out a full blown war with Pakistan in next six months.
The new strategy of terrorists to target civilians using pistol has not gone down well with govt. The inputs are that this will soon be expanded to armed forces also in coming days. The tempo of militancy is going to increase with the LET cadres released from Afghan Prisons being sent to Kashmir. I do not rule out a full blown war with Pakistan in next six months.
Lets finish it off for ever. They directly targeting common people based on their religion.
Hindus are fools, our forefathers piled up wealth in temple to please some random god, didn't utilized the miney for military or for society, result was Afghani attackers come & go without any resistance, they molested our great grandmaas in street, in sultan's palace. Neither the priests you give respect/lister or the god didn't come for your rescue.

We did not learn anything from history, despite of having two nuclear countries as your enemy, we still hesitant to increase the defense budget, nit even 1.5 percentage of your GDP is spending to modernize military.


But Now who is this RANDOM GOD 🤣🤣
The new strategy of terrorists to target civilians using pistol has not gone down well with govt. The inputs are that this will soon be expanded to armed forces also in coming days. The tempo of militancy is going to increase with the LET cadres released from Afghan Prisons being sent to Kashmir. I do not rule out a full blown war with Pakistan in next six months.

If we blow up Pakistani Brigade HQs all along the LOC with SPICE and Hammer bombs , all these terror attacks will Stop
The new strategy of terrorists to target civilians using pistol has not gone down well with govt. The inputs are that this will soon be expanded to armed forces also in coming days. The tempo of militancy is going to increase with the LET cadres released from Afghan Prisons being sent to Kashmir. I do not rule out a full blown war with Pakistan in next six months.

Paxtan has no money to fight war. Situation can deteriorate to ceasefire violations and heavy handedness of armed forces in kashmir towards civilians which is what Paxtan probably want.

This is cooking of new ISI chief. But I hardly see this as becoming norm. Bankrupt Paxtan and Taliban combo in 2021 for India is 0 + 0 = 0.

But Now who is this RANDOM GOD 🤣🤣

If we blow up Pakistani Brigade HQs all along the LOC with SPICE and Hammer bombs , all these terror attacks will Stop
Random radio is a real person, we know one such person exist. We really dont know wheather random god exist or it just an imagination!
  • Haha
Random radio is a real person, we know one such person exist. We really dont know wheather random god exist or it just an imagination!

Perhaps you would be knowing that Soldiers Believe in GODS , whether Real or Imaginary , does not matter

If you are putting your life on the line
Then you need to have Faith in A Higher power

However God will not fight your Battles
You need weapons and Strategies in place
However God will not fight your Battles
You need weapons and Strategies in place
Our great grandfathers didn't understand this basic funda, and screwed our history.
And we are not understanding the fact that your money/ bank balence/forex wont fight for you or scure border. Its the weapons & military job, money has to be used for purchasing weapons.
Modi has announced some vacancies to fill for Military Strategists for Pakistan and China Desks in Niti Aayog.
Nothing will happen.
Today I tell you the katu-satya whether one likes it or not.
Indian government and our leaders have become besharams just like the rest of the Hindus are. They know that out of 80 crore hindus if even few hundred get killed in such mishappenings , it's not affecting the larger population and no one also cares. But if you go to war with pakistan, the economy will go down dhanda will be chopat.
That is simply bcos ppl in govt have zero stake in well being of the country. All the elites who run the country have enuf money to live in luxury they dont care what happens on the ground. The fault lies with idiots who vote for them, if a common man wants his problems to be resolved they should elect common man to head the govt not career politicians who will ensure that issues dont get resolved which will make them irrelevant.
Hindus are fools, our forefathers piled up wealth in temple to please some random god, didn't utilized the miney for military or for society, result was Afghani attackers come & go without any resistance, they molested our great grandmaas in street, in sultan's palace. Neither the priests you give respect/lister or the god didn't come for your rescue.

We did not learn anything from history, despite of having two nuclear countries as your enemy, we still hesitant to increase the defense budget, nit even 1.5 percentage of your GDP is spending to modernize military.
ppl in India always had wrong priorities throughout the history when we should have been building roads on border, developing defence & economy we were busy playing temple politics & jousting for winning elections. End result is obvious history will keep repeating.

I think this is more or less due to weak & inefficient leaders who can only stay in power by resorting to gimmicks rather than leading ppl from the front. It is like electricity which takes the path of least resistance. Unfortunately ppl get leaders they deserve.

If you read european history until 500 years ago they were no different from us , religious clergy & church dictated most of their history. But renaissance pushed church out and brought nation state in. Nation states spent more time building universities , institutions , progressive culture.. which was needed to strengthening the country. This was absolutely required due to sheer competition in europe, any country which lagged behind would be subsumed by their progressive powerful neighbors.

Even japan was a closed & isolated country which was stuck in the past until 18th century but once they decided to open up & focus on competing with the rest of the world things changed drastically. ( ironcially one of the countries which bullied to japan to open up was US) If we look at the cycle of history japan become powerful and colonized china, now china will do the same. Their obvious target will be less powerful neighbors. Economically they are already at it.
I thought you are a robot. bumble bee type
google search bot. 🙃
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