India-Canada Relations : News & Updates

Denial is the most predictable of human response.

So, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri's house was a military target?

All those drone bombings in Pakistan which killed among other people, a marriage party, a military target?

Remember, US was not at war with Pakistan at that time or ever, nor with Afghanistan in 2022.
When you have an enemy who disguises himself as a civilian that happens. US wasn't at war with Afghanistan 1991-2001 either, but that didn't prevent 5 terror attacks on US soil, embassies and vessels. As for a marriage party, they blew up two skyscrapers and two embassies. Oh and there was that schoolgirl they shot in the face for trying to learn, so don't play morality games for Afghanistan. Is a marriage party a military target, depends who was getting married really doesn't it? Afghanistan tried very hard to start that war.

If US can randomly kill people, so can India. Get used to it.

Get your facts right FFS. Rishi Sunak's grandfather was from what now is called Pakistan. He is a Hindu alright but he is not really a "British-Indian".

Sunak was born on 12 May 1980 in Southampton General Hospital in Southampton, Hampshire,[3][4] to East African-born Hindu parents of Indian Punjabi descent, Yashvir and Usha Sunak.

Funny how he was an 'Indian viceroy' until he completely disagreed with India's position on the Ukraine War, then suddenly he's a Pakistani Hindu. Yeah, see how this thread started and ended.

Not much prejudice there LOL.
Oh, btw, we in India also have had Sikhs in the highest political office and all the way in every single position of power. Not to mention a Muslim president too. So your entire idea that Modi will not be properly tried is bogus.



Is 5 days long enough? And stop moving the goal post!

It anyways proves my point that there is systemic racial and colonial bias in UK and if that does not prevent a British court from trying a Hindu or a Black then there is nothing wrong about Indian courts trying Modi. Get off your stupid dead horse.
Wasn't a sectarian riot, and hardly comparres to Gudjarat.
I actually have no clue how this will help Trudeau in any shape or form. His main voting base is white Canadians, not the Khalistanis, so he's successfully pissed them off. And I don't think the whites will really care about sovereignty when the one taken out was a known and wanted terrorist. They would think of it as India doing them a favor.

If this was an attack on Modi, the effect was the opposite.

The only thing I can think off is this only benefits the Liberal Party and the Khalistanis at the cost of throwing Trudeau under the bus 'cause he's gonna lose the next elections anyway. A party is not responsible for the actions of one man after all. So I think this circus is to help the party contest the next elections.

Of course, all this would definitely help the Chinese too, it's taken the pressure off of them.
You do not then understand how Canadian politics works.

See, one major part of Trudeau's appeal is that he is good looking. No. Seriously. It helps him a LOT. You have some serious Trudeau fans who will vote for him because they .... "love him". These were the depressed voters.

Also, for sometime, Trudeau has been under attack for not standing up to foreign powers that are interfering in Canada -- read China. (But Canadians being Canadians they are always miss the biggest interfering party -- USA. ) And that means he was getting unpopular. Then there are domestic issues like inflation, medical crisis, housing crisis as well.

Now that Mr. Trudeau is under attack by these "god damned bloody brown INDIANS", he gets a lot of mercy votes from the same fawning fanbase who was depressed. They will come riding to save their favourite soy-boy errr... I mean politician.

You may laugh at it, but mercy votes are a thing in Canadian politics. And to top it all, he will show that he is standing for "Canadian Values". This is enough to persuade a lot of Canadian voters to vote for him (actually they always wanted to do it).

Also, since now the issue being discussed a lot in Canada is foreign policy and foreign interference, a lot of VERY serious issues become irrelevant. Its same how Balakot over-ruled everything else in India in 2019.

Trudeau is banking on all this. But then there are 2 more years till election.
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You do not then understand how Canadian politics works.

See, one major part of Trudeau's appeal is that he is good looking. No. Seriously. It helps him a LOT. You have some serious Trudeau fans who will vote for him because they .... "love him". These were the depressed voters.

Also, for sometime, Trudeau has been under attack for not standing up to foreign powers that are interfering in Canada -- read China. (But Canadians being Canadians they are always miss the biggest interfering party -- USA. ) And that means he was getting unpopular. Then there are domestic issues like inflation, medical crisis, housing crisis as well.

Now that Mr. Trudeau is under attack by these "god damned bloody brown INDIANS", he gets a lot of mercy votes from the same fawning fanbase who was depressed. They will come riding to save their favourite soy-boy errr... I mean politician.

You may laugh at it, but mercy votes are a thing in Canadian politics. And to top it all, he will show that he is standing for "Canadian Values". This is enough to persuade a lot of Canadian voters to vote for him (actually they always wanted to do it).

Also, since now the issue being discussed a lot in Canada is foreign policy and foreign interference, a lot of VERY serious issues become irrelevant. Its same how Balakot over-ruled everything else in India in 2019.

Trudeau is banking on all this. But then there are 2 more years till election.

I think you are speaking about a small section of the population with googly eyes for Trudeau. In the end, the Liberal Party has always had a long history in Canada with some success. It's like India's Congress, which means there will be die-hard supporters for it and the party can stand up on its own even without Trudeau.

Plus it's cyclical. Post Cold War, Liberal was in charge from 1993 to 2006 followed by the Conservatives until 2015, followed by the Liberals again until possibly 2025. Sadly for Trudeau, he had to form a coalition with the wrong people. Also, the Conservatives aren't too far behind with 117 seats versus the Liberals' 158.

Attacking India may be fine, but the problem for him is selling his alliance. Plus with attacking India going nowhere, he's dug himself into the ground with his Nazi salute. And now his popularity is plummeting. So if one argues that his main strength is popularity rather than leadership, then that's no longer his strong suit. The last I checked Poilievre is shooting up in importance.

Then there are other issues that were not considered much pre-pandemic, the transgender issue for one. The Liberals are gonna lose some votes over that.
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its not abt copyrights but censoring content. copyrights is just a convenient alibi.
So the news outlets don't want paying for their content? That doesn't sound like any news outlets (or business) I've heard of. Of course the content has to be worth paying for and not some brain-dead bollocks labelling a 5 eyes nation as a terrorist haven.;)
  • Haha
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So the news outlets don't want paying for their content? That doesn't sound like any news outlets (or business) I've heard of. Of course the content has to be worth paying for and not some brain-dead bollocks labelling a 5 eyes nation as a terrorist haven.;)
yeah , look who is kissing terrorists *censored*,

ppl without morals and their family, no wonder all the countries in 5 i's behave the same way. 🤣

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Why are the brown coolie moderators of this forum sucking up to this Colonial apologist Terrorist supporter Brit-turd??
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He fought for liberation in his own country, He dint go & kill any one else. No cntry has ever has ever accused him or his troops of nazism.
Keep crying and making useless accusations that nobody cares.
He fought for Axis Imperial Japanese forces, they weren't exactly liberating anyone. If he'd succeeded you'd either have all been gassed, enslaved, or turned into a human centipede for the purpose of 'scientific' experimentation. He almost stole your freedom. You sure as hell wouldn't have become independent in 1947 if the axis powers had won.

That might not have been his vision for success but it would have been the outcome. The road to hell is paved with the good intentions of the foolish.
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