India-Canada Relations : News & Updates

He fought for Axis Imperial Japanese forces, they weren't exactly liberating anyone. If he'd succeeded you'd either have all been gassed, enslaved, or turned into a human centipede for the purpose of 'scientific' experimentation. He almost stole your freedom. You sure as hell wouldn't have become independent in 1947 if the axis powers had won.

That might not have been his vision for success but it would have been the outcome. The road to hell is paved with the good intentions of the foolish.
you can keep regurgitating falsehood that no one believes in , all I see is last gasps of propaganda from decaying & dying nazi imperialist empire.
you can keep regurgitating falsehood that no one believes in , all I see is last gasps of propaganda from decaying & dying nazi imperialist empire.
Facts, if the side Bose actually fought for had won (Imperial Japan - Axis Power), that would be the outcome. He lost though, so you've been allowed to lie to yourselves about that. Reading your posts sometimes makes me wish he had succeeded, at least I wouldn't have to listen to this BS.
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Facts, if the side Bose actually fought for had won (Imperial Japan - Axis Power), that would be the outcome. He lost though, so you've been allowed to lie to yourselves about that. Reading your posts sometimes makes me wish he had succeeded, at least I wouldn't have to listen to this BS.
still living in the past, days of imperialist powers winning is over. world war 2 was won bcos of russian sacrifices not due some piddly british who had their tails tucked between their legs in dunkirk. Ever wondered why imperialists lost all the wars they fought after world war 2 and had to indulge in coups to save their a***.
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Facts, if the side Bose actually fought for had won (Imperial Japan - Axis Power), that would be the outcome. He lost though, so you've been allowed to lie to yourselves about that. Reading your posts sometimes makes me wish he had succeeded, at least I wouldn't have to listen to this BS.
Yeah sure! You have access to some super secret Time Machine and can know what would have happened. LOL!
Who will win elections in US and Canada

In both the United States and Canada, political landscapes are undergoing significant shifts, raising questions about the future leadership of the two nations. In the U.S., President Biden is facing a decline in popularity, partly due to the prolonged conflict in Ukraine and a perceived lack of success. Similar challenges confront Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, with pressing issues like inflation, law and order, and immigration eroding support for his minority government.

The complexity of their situations is exacerbated by perceived self-assurance and extravagant expenditures, leading to backlash from the electorate. While it is premature to definitively predict successors, indications point to the possibility of a comeback by former President Donald Trump, whose popularity has risen despite legal challenges. A recent setback in Colorado, declaring Trump ineligible based on the Constitution's insurrection clause, is under appeal with expectations of a reversal.

Comparing the potential leaders, Trump's presidency saw the conclusion of the Afghanistan conflict and stricter controls on Chinese imports but faced turnover challenges. Biden, on the other hand, withdrew from Afghanistan swiftly but faced criticism for the handling of the conflict in Ukraine and perceived competence issues. In Canada, Trudeau's extended tenure is a concern, and the opposition Conservative Party is gaining momentum, suggesting a potential victory in the upcoming elections.

In summary, both the U.S. and Canada may experience leadership changes, with uncertainties about who would be more effective in addressing the challenges each nation faces.