Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina Quits, Army Coup Amid Massive Protests

That's how it works. External push with safeguards.
You know you are lying. It wasn't that way with Russia's Africa coups.
What makes you think Yanukovych ordered the killing of protestors? And what makes you think Hasina did the same?
What makes you think they didn't? Why did he flee to Russia?
If the Americans are good at it, then why not? You definitely are.
Answer the question. Contain India wrt what. With China I understand containment, since you have Taiwan and their ungoing SCS meddling but what would they be containing India from doing? Would 1 airbase contain a country with >1 billion people anyway.
They attacked Kursk instead. In any case, they tried, their landing units were too weak.
They sure did but you were wrong on the dam because your brain was too weak.
It's a brilliant place. At least the US thinks so.
A dog-blowingly stupid place. Prove that the US thinks so. Show us Imran Khan scrap of paper. It's probably written in crayon.
It's no wonder you do not know how democracies work. It was a high court that brought quota back. Hasina once again supported the views of the protesters, like she did in 2018.
No she didn't, the article I posted says that.
However, Hasina defended the quota system, saying veterans deserved the highest respect for their contributions in the war against Pakistan, regardless of their political affiliation.

The attempt by the governing party officials and ministers to paint the demonstrators as “antinational” further angered the protesters.
The cutting off of phone and internet connections created an “information blackout”, reported Al Jazeera’s Tanvir Chowdhury from the capital, Dhaka.

The harsh crackdown has fuelled even more anger towards the government, pushing protesters to move beyond calling for quota reform to demanding the government’s resignation.
“It’s not just the issue of quotas right now. Many people died, property was destroyed, and there’s an information blackout,” Chowdhury told Al Jazeera.

“We still don’t know the full account of the death toll and casualties from the last few days.”
It's a textbook CIA execution of using anti-democracy forces against a fairly elected democracy.
Yeah, sure. Mass nationwide protests are anti-democracy forces. No other reason. Damn, you do desperately try to be ignorant.
Indeed, in the past decade, Bangladesh under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina and her Awami League flourished economically. But as the economy went from success to success, the government assumed that this meant it could trample on the civil rights and freedoms of the population with impunity, ban opposition parties and rule as it wished, with no respect or consideration for the country’s laws and global democratic norms.
But Hasina’s attempt to present human rights abuses, oppression, corruption and inequality as an inevitable price that needs to be paid for economic prosperity was an attempt that massively backfired. In the last decade or so, as a new generation came of age in what is repeatedly described as a “prosperous country that is on the rise”, something started to change in the psyche of the nation.

So all that was the US huh? 🤡
So when is the west going to force India to invade BD to protect hendus?
A country full of Muslims will just love being invaded by Hindus. The BJP's gestapodemocracy police will have to beat a whole lot of democracy into a whole lot of Muslims. Never mind, Russia, North Korea, Syria and Nicaragua will support them at the UN.
The Left stuffed ballots in your National Assembly, not ours.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Looking at the replies from some of the western people, it's so clear that they only and only insist that any alleged "fact" from western media or "fact check" website is the truth. Anything from asian media is not up to the standards. Everything has to be validated on the anvil of "their" rules and conditions.
Certain rules and conditions, sure. It's not a question of sources, though, but of methodology.
They cannot even begin to acknowledge that there are other ways of looking at things
Yes, but blaming a masonic conspiracy from the reptilian jews from an alien planet inside the Hollow Earth, while an entertaining way of looking at things, is not really conducive to understanding the real world. It's great if you want to write pulp fantasy novels, though.
and people like us who have seen Islamist terror up-close
And we haven't?
and how the west in collusion with Bharath's English media had long ago started vilifying Modi too, right from 2002, and how this formula is so sickeningly applied to all rulers the west doesn't want.
Media attacks rulers; that's their role. That's how the mighty can be held accountable. In addition, each media has its own bias.

You suffer from a paranoid mindset where anything short of sycophantic fawning is proof of a plot of undermine you. And you ignore everything else. You're missing that the rulers of the west are those that are the most attacked by western medias, for example.
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And don't forget how the same west turned a blind eye to the genocide of Hindus in East Pakistan in 1971 and on the other hand aided and abetted the Pakistani establishment by sending a CBG to support them and threaten Bharath from taking action. Even today there is no explicit mention of the Hindu genocide taking place in BD in the statement of the US foreign ministry. So yes, we are absolutely right when we say the west (US and its vassals in EU) is behind the regime change op in BD, hindu lives be damned (they are idol worshipping pagans anyway), and not to mention mass conversion to xtianity in Far east of Bharath to establish a "Kukiland for Christ" - a separate country comprising of parts of Manipur,BD , Myanmar and Mizoram. Where is xtianity practised in majority - west or east ? There's your answer. It really is that simple.

There you go, she started talking.

Did Sheikh Hasina’s leaning towards China cause her downfall?​

New Delhi: While Bangladesh Nationalist Party leader Khaleda Zia has justified Islamist murderous fury against minority Hindus and Indian establishments as anger against India for giving refuge to Sheikh Hasina, fact is that it was ousted PM’s leanings towards China and antipathy towards the west that caused her political downfall.

Even though west has been able to install Muhammad Yunus as chief advisor of Bangladesh interim government, the country is facing economic crisis and a challenge from rabid Islamist forces of Jamaat-e-Islami and Hefazat-e-Islam. With Bangladesh police on a strike, Army Chief General Waker-us-Zaman will have to take on the extremist forces who have already radicalised the youth and are using political Islam to gain power.

While the Narendra Modi government tried its best to reconcile Sheikh Hasina with US and UK, its proxy in Indian sub-continent, the Indian national security establishment knew that Sheikh Hasina and US had mutual dislike for each other. The American adverse reaction to Sheikh Hasina was more because of her allowing China to build a submarine base in Pekua, Cox’s Bazaar and buying two Ming class submarines from Beijing rather than her adherence to multi-party democracy. Built by Chinese company, the naval base is aptly called BNS Sheikh Hasina.

Given that Bangladesh juts into the sensitive Siliguri corridor, New Delhi was also not happy with its credit line being used by Dhaka for buying military equipment for countries like China and Turkey and nothing from India. Before she was ousted out of power, visiting Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Dinesh Tripathi offered to build frigates for Bangladesh.

Sheikh Hasina's ties with China

While Bangladesh, under Sheikh Hasina, was opposed to Pakistan, its proximity towards China and deepening bilateral military cooperation had raised red flags in New Delhi and Washington. Fact is that Bangladesh Army is powered by Chinese military equipment from artillery guns to main battle tanks to missiles to submarines and fighters. The Chinese access to Bangladesh armed forces poses a serious challenge to QUAD’s Indo-Pacific strategy with China already having bases in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Iran.

To add to this pro-China tilt of Sheikh Hasina was evidence that Bangladesh civilian military bureaucracy had been comprised by Beijing just like in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and Myanmar. Fact is that it is only after India informed Sheikh Hasina did Bangladesh refuse permission to Chinese built frigate for Pakistan Navy, PNS Taimur, to dock at Chattogram Port from August 7-10 while on way to Karachi via Colombo. Much to Sheikh Hasina’s surprise, her bureaucracy had already cleared the docking of PNS Taimur without informing her.

Even though adversaries of India are celebrating the exit of Sheikh Hasina and labelling it as a diplomatic defeat of Modi, Dhaka will have to seek Indian support as the country is staring at a loan default and looming economic crisis. Just like Sri Lanka and Pakistan, economic crisis will fuel political unrest and in turn pan-Islamic forces in Bangladesh will gain an upper hand. With Chinese capability limited and transactional, the ball is firmly in Yunus and Waker-us-Zaman court as BNP and Khaleda Zia are no answer to Bangladesh.

Given that Bangladesh juts into the sensitive Siliguri corridor, New Delhi was also not happy with its credit line being used by Dhaka for buying military equipment for countries like China and Turkey and nothing from India.

Sheikh Hasina's ties with China

While Bangladesh, under Sheikh Hasina, was opposed to Pakistan, its proximity towards China and deepening bilateral military cooperation had raised red flags in New Delhi and Washington.

Sounds like India has as much reason for wanting her gone, especially with it being next door. But what better way to influence a large population of Muslims that to blame the US and by extension a Jewish conspiracy in their heads. The people were protesting domestic policy, the US did not make Bangladesh's domestic policy.
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Stick to BD please. Any more talk about covering the British responsibility of famine in India will result in direct infractions. Nobody is interested in the British version of distorted facts.
This is a God sent opportunity for India to trifurcate BD. Take away the north tip to expand siliguri corridor nd cut away Chittagong port frm Agartala side to create homeland for BD Hindus. No more refugees vdout land. 30% BD land is hindu land. This is how we need to trifurcate BD.

At the time of partition, East Pakistan had nearly 30% Hindu population many of whom were killed in 1971 or came to India as refugees. Its time we did population exchange vd Hindu lands being returned to Hindus and BDs and Rohingyas thrown out of India. do u knw why I suggested breaking away north BD the way I did, it is to connect Ganga vd Brahmputra to create a navigable waterway as a natural border and to reduce travel time to NE states of India. Indian Airlines vl not need to fly over BD to reach NE states from Kolkata.
BD must not hv any border vd any nation other then India and tht is how we will be able destroy them and reconvert all muslims of BD back to sanatan. The Hindus of BD vl act as defense for India by identifying BDs staying in border areas.