India would require to develop AI based intelligent manufacturing and high end solution for engine optimization using AI.
AI based swarm tech , smart sensors , big data intelligence theory, autonomous unmanned system support platforms and many more. It is better to prepare AMCA as 6.5 gen fighter than 5th Gen. There is no much time. Only then India could end up close to 5+ Gen fighter if not fully 6th gen.
As per Chinese policy on AI, they will be operational on the above mentioned tech to a great extent by between 2025-2027
Since the year 2000, may be late 1990s, Ai was introduced in Engineering college syllabus. So some of those students today after 2+ decades as engineers are working somewhere on AI, mostly in private firms, which we see in cellphones & otherconsumer electronics.
Our DoD units may also be working on AI but i'm not tracking that progress.
W.r.t. AMCA or any combat jet in general, AI can be a Co-pilot/WSO, handle drones, etc. Future UCAV has to be primarily AI, not RC (Remote Controlled), with option to take over it remotely if required.
Playing with dimension means playing with center of mass and stability of a missile while launching. It may fall back into bay or fly sideways, etc etc and disorient itself while dropping,and cause accident. More over new launch softwares with new data links are required for that weapons need to be modified as well.
For example Link 16 is used in a lot of 4th Gen fighters you can't install it in 5th gen fighter and still call it a 5th gen fighter. Link 16 needs to be upgraded at par with MADL and then installed due to it's resistance capabilities against EW.
That's a genuine technical observation but not a problem. Such things like weapon separation obviously have to be simulated, computed, tested.
But globally, IWB has not new thing. The earliest jet i know with AAMs with IWB is F-102 Delta Daggaer in 1950s.
The documentaries made since then show the ground & aerial tests. (AIR but AERial, not AIReal or AIRial

If we see YT videos of weapons separation like that of AIM-120 AMRAAM then we can notice that
- the ejectors literally punch out the AAMs away from jet
- the the fins of AAMs immediately start moving to control & stabilize the separation to avoid collision.
- the MTOW is roughly double the empty weigth, so the digital FCS takes care of inertial changes during weapons release.
- So it is a collective effort b/w weapon & aircraft, H/w & S/w, the jet can launch in most angles & orientations. There are some limitations of roll, yaw & pitch.
An F-35A conventional takeoff and landing aircraft completed the first in-flight missile launch of an AIM-120 over the Point Mugu Sea Test Range June 5, 2013...
Our DoD has also done similar tests on ground & computers. The following are some old pics:
So the AMCA prototype will also conduct such ground & flight tests. But in short, 6 AAMs can be easily done on a medium jet. F-35 & J-35 will do it.