Off-Topic Chit-Chat

Don't you know, those are battleproven formations. :p

Anyway it's central police, they use this for recruitment in a nation crazy about motorcycles.

If you already didn't notice they are all women. This is how we do gender equality. Otoh, how's you guys' Emma has two mothers shtick going?

You guys don't know how to ride bikes. This is how it's done.
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I wonder if they watched Ender's Game...

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So the police are just taking it to the next level. "What you can do, we can do better. So join the police."
Come on bruh! Even the Chileans take their military parade serious...

What in thee faaaaack... Ok Chile military march maybe a bad example? :confused:

I mean it looks like Chile maybe taking their parade a little on the dark side but at least it looks badass. Um... maybe Chile has never heard of the Third Reich and by coincidence just so happened to copy mein Fuhrers march? Well at least they are not on silly motorcycles so there!
Come on bruh! Even the Chileans take their military parade serious...

What in thee faaaaack... Ok Chile military march maybe a bad example? :confused:

I mean it looks like Chile maybe taking their parade a little on the dark side but at least it looks badass. Um... maybe Chile has never heard of the Third Reich and by coincidence just so happened to copy mein Fuhrers march? Well at least they are not on silly motorcycles so there!
View attachment 31820

Friggin' boring. Who the hell would watch that?

Parades have to be interesting and fun to watch. And motorbikes are fun.
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YOU ARE BACK!!! Well sorta you just made your presence known by emoji-ing my post.

I knew you were lurking keeping an eye on me you can't resist me and you know it! It's okay I can't resist myself either which is a healthy state of mind.

So when are you going to post? Are you still sore at me that I'm the reason for your mental breakdown? Come on let it go already and come back so that we can all see you have another mental breakdown. :ROFLMAO:

I'm just kidding hunny bunny I just miss you. Did you see my video dedications I posted in here? I meant it too.
  • Haha
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@randomradio You are from south? Just wanted to know your view/opinion About this.
I mean grievances from southern states are valid.

This post's coming in late, my bad. I accidentally came across it today.

Delimitation will be done, and it's good for the country. But it will happen based on a new seat formula, not just 543 seats. That's why the increased 800-900 LS seats in the new parliament building.

Any North-South divide will only be a political red herring.

We also need to consider immigration, not just population growth. Although Northern states have increased, they have also migrated out of those states. And people are allowed to change their constituency after a period of time. So this will impact delimitation as well.
Lulz. I was wondering if my babe would take my bait and respond and she did!!! :love::love:

How you been darling has lurking in here and fighting the urge to respond been driving you daffy? It doesn't have to be you can just let go of this tantrum behavior towards the Mods it wasn't them that got you to lose your cool it was me, and a find job I did, eh? Lol.

Just come back Raj misses you soooo much that he can't stop thinking about you.

This ought to be the M(TP)AGA anthem for the rest of their lives if carrot top is re elected , Bubba J.

Btw trust you live up to your new year's resolution of not letting anyone except certified medical professionals probe you unlike last year where your new year's resolution didn't even last a few hours.

Oh and just another thing - hope you've undergone your bi annual douching session again. At both ends.
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This ought to be the M(TP)AGA anthem for the rest of their lives if carrot top is re elected , Bubba J.

Btw trust you live up to your new year's resolution of not letting anyone except certified medical professionals probe you unlike last year where your new year's resolution didn't even last a few hours.

Oh and just another thing - hope you've undergone your bi annual douching session again. At both ends.
You can't quit me can ya? I can't believe I live rent free inside your head.

Something must have triggered you to make you come back from your self imposed ban... was it my sexiness? My genius IQ and charm? Was it the Pakidefense forum not giving you the respect you think you deserve like Fredo?

Don't tell me you're still angry at me for joining this messageboard and totally messing with your mind? Before I joined you never got banned but that all changed when I started calling out your BS in a satiric but factual way, don't tell me you're still sore about that? I thought we moved on from that?

Come on girl let the past be the past. 😚