Definitely not the best year for our armed forces so far

BREAKING: 1 @Suryakiran_IAF pilot confirmed dead in today’s mid-air collision crash.
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Definitely not the best year for our armed forces so far
BREAKING: 1 @Suryakiran_IAF pilot confirmed dead in today’s mid-air collision crash.
Reports of a Mig 29 crash in Bikaner Rajasthan, Pilot safe.
Mig 21 Bison, not Mig 29.
Mig 21 Bison, not Mig 29.
Still Nice.
My money was well spent.
We still haven't ordered tejas Mk1A .
HAL has registered its point that 3 years from the day of signature.
Price haggling ?
I am convinced they will utilize my money well this time as well, as always.
Another Abhinandan will be crossing LoC into hostile airspace in LCA in 2060.
Income tax is just 17% of total receipts, there is a great misconception in India that only Income tax is everything.Can u make approx value of the lost aircraft ?
And divide by 2 crore direct tax payer
We ll know how much per person lost ..
Sad news coming in An32 with 13 members missing from 3 hours.
This info is not displayed, saw it on news ticker.Upgraded one or yet to be upgraded one?