It's not about personal traits; it's about what we stand for, and who we stand with. Do you want us to draw nine dashes in the ocean and claim all within it as ours, regardless of international law?
That is a question you have to ask others, who know me. As far as I am concerned, I am unable to figure out if there is something in me that I despise in others. I can give you a list of what I despise in others, and you can decide if any of these fits me, and hang me on that plank:
- Hatred of the 'other'; includes religious 'others', ethnic 'others', linguistic 'others', gender 'others', but not political 'others'; there you are, a vulnerability!
- Hatred of stupidity; posts that don't follow through their own argument to the logical conclusions;
- Hatred of mass attacks: lone members standing for a deviation from the views of others being subjected to mass attacks by the majority;
- Hatred of majoritarianism, meaning those who believe that if they are in the majority, they may overrule the rule of law, the Constitution and natural justice, and oppress minorities, and individuals; this, whether applied to Pakistan, or to Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir, or to India herself;
- Hatred of indecency and inhumanity: cheering for the death of an opponent, or opponents; rejoicing over the death of another human being is indecent. If he/she was a criminal or a murderous autocrat, let us not praise him, but let us not rejoice over him;
......and these are a few of my favourite things.