British/Italian Tempest (GCAP) Fighter : News and Discussion


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I hope this project succeed.
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I hope this project succeed.
India should get in on it instead of trying to go solo. Sure it likely will enter service in the mid 2030's but that is much sooner than India's AMCA which if they actually succeed after all the red tape it will enter service by the 2040's by that time the world may look a whole lot different.
India should get in on it instead of trying to go solo. Sure it likely will enter service in the mid 2030's but that is much sooner than India's AMCA which if they actually succeed after all the red tape it will enter service by the 2040's by that time the world may look a whole lot different.

It may not necessarily meet requirements for the cost. A better option is to just use it as stopgap for when the MKI comes in for replacement. Between 2030-35, as AMCA and TEDBF end, we should be starting our own program with greater capabilities. Which means, between 2025-30, they will likely start conceptualising what we need.
India should get in on it instead of trying to go solo. Sure it likely will enter service in the mid 2030's but that is much sooner than India's AMCA which if they actually succeed after all the red tape it will enter service by the 2040's by that time the world may look a whole lot different.

AMCA is a different class of aircraft meant to replace medium-weight multirole planes like MiG-29 & Mirage 2K.

A larger, heavyweight air-superiority platform will eventually be needed to replace the MKI. Something like GCAP could come in there.

Personally, I'd prefer joining GCAP. I used to prefer SCAF but Germany's antics make it seem like they're out to destroy that program and make life hell for anyone who wants it.
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1.7 billion USD ?? Are you guys running a 6th Gen FA project or are you planning on reviving the Hurricane bombers ? French members here estimate the FCAS program would entail development costs of 100 billion Euros .

The Tempest program should cost as much if not more , usually more considering the Japanese are involved which usually jacks the prices of everything including the common toothpick coz according to the Japanese the said toothpick would've faced stringent QC measures conforming to the Kaizen production model , hence higher coats are justified .

Btw , between us Paddy as we go back a long way , Does UK have it in them to cough up 50 billion USDs in the next 15 yrs ? That's 3 billion USDs per yr in addition to your other defence related commitments. Or mid way thru the program you'd throw up your hands citing lack of funds which is a distinct possibility given your already precarious finances made worse by Brexit forcing the Japanese to complete the program on their own .

Knowing how you guys operate it's not beyond you to offer an IOU interest free note to Japan asking them to fund the rest of the project while both of you hold the IP & if they act funny , threaten them with stalling the project offering to sell it back to them with full ownership of IP for reimbursement of costs sunk in plus a hefty fee for services offered & interest costs . After all you've a reputation to live up to . You aren't known as a nation of shopkeepers just like that . It's something you've worked hard for & achieved over generations &: centuries..
We need to start/join in a 6th gen program immediately. Otherwise it will become another case of "too little, too late" for us.

At least the Brits are trying to keep their aviation industry alive. Got to give them props for that. Though @Innominate might not feel happy or agree with that decision of theirs;)
I'll be surprised if there's more than one aircraft developed.