Brahmos Supersonic Cruise Missile : News, Updates and Discussions

(theigmp, aug.22)

Brazil Explores BrahMos-NG SLCM for its Nuclear Submarines

Brazil, renowned for its strategic maritime location, has demonstrated a keen interest in fortifying its naval prowess by integrating advanced technologies into its naval fleet. Recognizing the significance of possessing an indigenous submarine-launched missile system, Brazil’s defense establishment is actively considering the prospect of acquiring BrahMos-NG SLCM under development by India.​
The Brazilian Navy is very much eager to integrate India’s 290 kilometers range Mach 3.5 capable BrahMos-NG cruise missile on its first nuclear-powered attack submarine Alvaro Alberto which is based on the French Scorpene class and this development comes at a time when BrahMos Aerospace has already started developing torpedo tube-launched version of BrahMos-NG for the six Kalvari class (Scorpene) submarines in service of the Indian Navy.​
The deliberations surrounding the potential collaboration between Brazil and India in the domain of submarine-launched missile technology underscore the significance of diplomatic engagements aimed at fostering technological partnerships. Bilateral discussions in this realm reflect the shared commitment of both nations to strengthen their maritime security preparedness through cooperative endeavors.​
The potential supply of Indian-manufactured BrahMos-NG SLCMs to Brazil’s nuclear-powered submarine fleet has the potential to reshape the dynamics of maritime defense strategies across the globe. This envisaged partnership could serve as a testament to the willingness of nations to transcend geopolitical boundaries and cooperate on crucial defense technologies.​
The intent of Brazil to explore Submarine-Launched Cruise Missile technology marks a pivotal juncture in the international defense landscape. As both nations contemplate a partnership that could foster technological exchange and enhance maritime defense capabilities, the outcome of this potential collaboration could reverberate beyond bilateral interests, influencing the broader dynamics of maritime security. This pursuit serves as a reminder that the evolution of defense technologies is increasingly reliant on cooperative ventures, transcending geographical confines for the collective goal of ensuring global maritime stability. /end
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This is probably too stretched, noticed that a seminar paper from June included Brahmos deputy GM as one of the researcher/co author.
Like the HSTDV related paper, it mentions of specific condition, varying flow at M 4-7 in a 20-25km altitude. I wonder if that is going to be boundary envelope for brumos 2 or not. HSTDV was 6.5M at 32km altitude both in papers and the test, followed precisely for scramjet op. In theory I would have thought it would be like R2, post release pulls up to a 40km apogee flight altitude & quasi ballistic trajectory to evade AD.

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Just imagine Tu-160M2 or B-1B Lancer carrying dozens of this missile and then the enemy will most definitely be grossly effed. Till then MKI+ BrahMos-A remains our best option to dish out pain to our duo hostile neighbours and then some;)
Fact remains that the phat missile is too heavy to be carried by even the biggest IAF jet the MKI.
27 MKI were to be specially strengthened to carry Brahmos. But so far only 3 have been completed with additional girders , so that it can carry the 2.5 tonner, underslung.
Sad state of preparedness and Indian businessmen milking the project.
Fact remains that the phat missile is too heavy to be carried by even the biggest IAF jet the MKI.
27 MKI were to be specially strengthened to carry Brahmos. But so far only 3 have been completed with additional girders , so that it can carry the 2.5 tonner, underslung.
Sad state of preparedness and Indian businessmen milking the project.

Around 80 MKIs have been upgraded so far to carry Brahmos missiles. All of them the remaining will be upgraded eventually. The business profiting from this is a PSU (joint venture between us and the Russians). Therefore, there is no such businessman.

Fact remains that the phat missile is too heavy to be carried by even the biggest IAF jet the MKI.
27 MKI were to be specially strengthened to carry Brahmos. But so far only 3 have been completed with additional girders , so that it can carry the 2.5 tonner, underslung.
Sad state of preparedness and Indian businessmen milking the project.

"These Sukhois will be in addition to the original 40 jets earmarked for BrahMos missiles. Thirty-five of the first 40 Sukhois with the 290-km BrahMos have been delivered back to IAF by HAL," a source said.
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"These Sukhois will be in addition to the original 40 jets earmarked for BrahMos missiles. Thirty-five of the first 40 Sukhois with the 290-km BrahMos have been delivered back to IAF by HAL," a source said.
That's good news 😂.
Since the aircraft had to have significant structures added to the fuselage. The aircraft after modification is heavier.
What happens with heavy aircrafts?
Lesser range , lower maneuverability.
So basically IAF messed up 70 jests for the sake of a single weapon system.
That's good news 😂.
Since the aircraft had to have significant structures added to the fuselage. The aircraft after modification is heavier.
What happens with heavy aircrafts?
Lesser range , lower maneuverability.
So basically IAF messed up 70 jests for the sake of a single weapon system.
Oh please!

There is always a loaded and unloaded weight of an aircraft. Su-30MKIs carry 9600 KG of fuel internally. Am I to believe a fully fueled MKI is going to be ineffective? Few 100 KGs of weight (due to strengthing of pylons to hang this 2.5 tonne missile) is not going to make any impact on the monster that is Su-30 MKI.

Not to mention, engines have ability to "uprate" themselves slightly for few 100s of KGs of additional load. At worst it will mean replacing engines a bit earlier by changing SoP.

Being able to fire a 800 km range weapon which no adversory has any ability to intercept and can take out enemy ships, bases is a massive up upgrade. That will more than compensate for any loss of range.

Aircrafts always change their weight profile anytime they integrate new equipment or new weapon. Am I to believe each time they do so, they become ineffective?

Am I to believe that J-10s are less effective because the now carry an additional 10x100 KG due to upgrading from PL-12 to PL-15?
That's good news 😂.
Since the aircraft had to have significant structures added to the fuselage. The aircraft after modification is heavier.
What happens with heavy aircrafts?
Lesser range , lower maneuverability.
So basically IAF messed up 70 jests for the sake of a single weapon system.
Su 30 MKIs routinely carry 3 x 1500 KG bombs and 6 x 600 KG Kh31 missiles. So carrying a lone 2500 KG missile on central pylon is no big thing. It will leave enough weight to carry few 154 KG Astra missiles too.
That's good news 😂.
Since the aircraft had to have significant structures added to the fuselage. The aircraft after modification is heavier.
What happens with heavy aircrafts?
Lesser range , lower maneuverability.
So basically IAF messed up 70 jests for the sake of a single weapon system.
The best radar range in the PN is 250kms. The number of BrahMos A, the version carried by the Su-30s, in the IN inventory was 200 and will easily exceed 500. Any PN vessel operating out of the safety of Pakistan's shore based defence becomes vulnerable to the IAF squadrons.

Now, look at the map of the Arabian Sea. A Sukhoi approaching from the South West of Gwadar with aerial refueling, can threaten from a side hitherto not possible.

Do you still feel like laughing?
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That's good news 😂.
Since the aircraft had to have significant structures added to the fuselage. The aircraft after modification is heavier.
What happens with heavy aircrafts?
Lesser range , lower maneuverability.
So basically IAF messed up 70 jests for the sake of a single weapon system.

We are fine with it, 'cause not all MKIs have air combat duties, many pilots train exclusively for ground attack. The modified MKI's job is to just fire standoff weapons and that's the role pilots assigned to this jet will perfect. We have an excess of this type as well.
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That's good news 😂.
Since the aircraft had to have significant structures added to the fuselage. The aircraft after modification is heavier.
What happens with heavy aircrafts?
Lesser range , lower maneuverability.
So basically IAF messed up 70 jests for the sake of a single weapon system.
Very bad news for you and your Chinese friends, bhaijan;)

We have plans to keep around 150 MKIs for Air Dominance role while eventually over 100 would be converted to carry BrahMos-A. These planes are distributed among all squadrons. So all squadrons have/will have both MKIs(ASF+ mini bombers).

Even further bad news for you guys is BrahMos-NG which every single MKI and our every other plane will carry. It will have around 300kms range and same Mach 3 cruise speed.

I sense deep fear behind your smiles:)
Even further bad news for you guys is BrahMos-NG which every single MKI and our every other plane will carry. It will have around 300kms range and same Mach 3 cruise speed.
Brahmos-NG will make Brahmos available on even Tejas. It will reduce its weight to about 1500 KG from current 2500 KG.
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They will likely bump the speed a bit more because of less weight, normal one cruise at ~ 2.5mach , Ng they showed a bit more. I think they will use the same warhead config (which our armed forced want to improve on naturally) of 200kg for the export version.

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