Zorawar: Light tank for Indian army

Its at present under factory evaluation, so makes sense for no pic. L&T rarely show stuff even though we have seen the model. Kinda like broader bmp-2 with a 105mm gun. TATA light tank, that is what I want to see. I hope they go for a scalability & provision for a 120mm turret if needed.
Tanks are naturally more important, they make contact with the enemy, like fighter jets.

Plus this tank is using DRDO's NGMBT chassis.

We could see pics during the user trials phase.

Doubt the reason is institutional.

Just seems to be an oversight. Most Indian companies are pretty terrible at PR (especially when the products are not civilian consumer-facing) so understandable.

Take the Mahindra ALSV for example. It's been seen enough times in public + is already in service so it's not like it's a secret. But when it comes to having good high-quality marketing material - there's pretty much zilch. All you have is a damn PPT slideshow on Youtube...compare that to this:

It's pretty sad that these are publicly-traded companies, each defence deal gives them a nice uptick in share price, and yet they see no merit in unlocking further value by upping their PR game. Companies that manufacture the basics (vehicles, ammo & combat consumables) can use the numbers coming out of the Ukraine war as a perfect example to illustrate just how important their products & services are to any country - especially one that talks about having to face a two-front war.
Doubt the reason is institutional.

Just seems to be an oversight. Most Indian companies are pretty terrible at PR (especially when the products are not civilian consumer-facing) so understandable.

Take the Mahindra ALSV for example. It's been seen enough times in public + is already in service so it's not like it's a secret. But when it comes to having good high-quality marketing material - there's pretty much zilch. All you have is a damn PPT slideshow on Youtube...compare that to this:

It's pretty sad that these are publicly-traded companies, each defence deal gives them a nice uptick in share price, and yet they see no merit in unlocking further value by upping their PR game. Companies that manufacture the basics (vehicles, ammo & combat consumables) can use the numbers coming out of the Ukraine war as a perfect example to illustrate just how important their products & services are to any country - especially one that talks about having to face a two-front war.

A lot of military equipment are not secretive. Only combat aircraft and battle tanks are generally hidden. As for the rest, they even show off with models during expos. Recall how long it took the Russians to show off the T-14?

New gen American armored vehicles were censored too.

NGAD has been flying for years now. The same with B-21, PAK DA, PAK DP, J-XX, H-XX etc. First flight or later. Tanks take even longer.
Its here.
