Joe Biden or Donald Trump: Who will be better for India?

Joe Biden or Donald Trump: Who will be better for India?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 24 58.5%
  • Both will be the same

    Votes: 14 34.1%

  • Total voters


Team StratFront
Dec 1, 2017
Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

When the United States votes, each and every country, be it Washington's ally or its bitter rival, sets their eyes on it. The November 3 presidential election will also provide clarity on ties between the US and other countries.

After the end of the Cold War era, the relations between India and the United States have started to become warm irrespective of whether a Republican or a Democrat is in power. Similarly, whether Donald Trump gets re-elected or Joe Biden becomes the president, ties between the two nations are likely to remain unaffected if not better. This article, therefore, looks to decode, who will be a more suitable president for New Delhi. It will also look at what has or hasn't been done in the past four years under Trump when it comes to India.

Did India-US ties flourish under Trump?

Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi consistently stressed their fondness for each other. Their bonhomie resulted in first-ever 2+2 dialogue between both the countries at defence and foreign ministry levels. Despite Trump lauding Modi on various occasions, the US president undertook actions against India's preference, which includes actions on Generalised System of Preferences (GSP), H-1B visa and attempts to mediate on Kashmir conflict.

During his tenure, Trump described India as a "tariff king" and removed it from the list of countries with the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP), an arrangement to help developing countries with trade. The US president demanded "equitable and reasonable" treatment to US goods in the Indian market. In response, New Delhi also imposed retaliatory tariffs. Various talks were held between New Delhi and Washington, however, no settlement has been reached so far. Trump also raised the issue of high tariffs by India on US motorcycle companies, which were then brought down from 75 per cent to 50 per cent. However, according to Trump, this reduction is "still unacceptable".

Trump's support to 'America First' policy during the 2016 election campaign really appealed to the Americans, though it really received a lot of flak from a lot of economists and supporters of free-market economies. During the tenure of Trump, Indian IT giants in the US, like Wipro and Infosys, were forced to hire more Americans. Due to this, these IT firms rejected a lot of applications and visa renewals as rejection rate on new visas jumped from 6 per cent in FY16 to 44 per cent in FY20 and on renewals rose from 4 per cent in FY16 to 21 per cent in FY20, according to a report by Nomura. H-1B visa allows companies in the US to hire foreign workers for highly specialised roles and since Indians have generally been the biggest beneficiaries of this system, a shift in policy under Trump meant that aspirants from India were hurt the most. In June, Trump extended his earlier order to suspend foreign workers visa till the end of this year in order to provide American jobs in the wake of coronavirus pandemic that led to an adverse effect on several economies. To add insult to injury, the US president signed an executive order in early August that barred US federal agencies to hire foreign workers.

The Indo-US defence ties have strengthened since the era of junior Bush and administrations succeeding him remained on that trajectory. The bilateral defence trade between both the countries was less than US$ 1billion in 2008 and it jumped to US$ 18 billion in 2019, writes Observation Research Foundation, an India-based think tank. The article further adds that US arms exports skyrocketed by more than 550 per cent in the period between 2013-17 as compared to the previous five years. Trump also discontinued Obama administration's freeze of giving unmanned systems to India as New Delhi became Washington's "the first non-treaty partner to be offered an MTCR Category-1 Unmanned Aerial System". Arms exports to India also became easy as Trump passed executive orders to accord India Strategic Trade Authorisation-1 (STA-1) status, which was earlier enjoyed by only two Asian countries, South Korea and Japan.

Other than this, despite Trump's mediation offers in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, the administration has stayed away from criticising India's internal matters. Be it abolishing Article 370, Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protests, the US president has repeatedly said that he trusts India's democratic system. It has also seen in Trump's administration that Washington is more comfortable in engaging with New Delhi, than Islamabad and Beijing.

What has Biden in store for India?

"Fifteen years ago, I was leading the efforts to approve the historic civil nuclear deal with India. I said that if the US and India became closer friends and partners, then the world will be a safer place," Biden said, in his address to Indian-American community on India's Independence Day. The watershed moment of the Indo-US ties was the signing of the nuclear deal in 2009 under Obama's presidency. Experts believe that Biden's foreign policy expertise played a significant role in finalising this agreement which means New Delhi will remain a key priority for Washington. During his Independence Day address, Biden also said that he will continue to stand with India on the threats it faces on the border, implying a check on Pakistan and China.

Biden has also said "there can be no tolerance for terrorism in South Asia, cross-border or otherwise," another reference warning Pakistan to not try taking the US for a ride on terrorism.

However, when it comes to Pakistan, when Biden was the vice president, he received Hilal-i-Pakistan, country's second-highest civilian honour. Also, from 2013-16, the US's aid to Pakistan was consistently over USD 630 billion which was brought down to USD 392 billion in 2017 by Trump and remained at similar levels in 2018. So, it remains to be seen whether Biden administration become benevolent to Pakistan than the current administration or not.

Trump is floating a conspiracy theory that China wants Biden to be the president. However, none of the statements from Biden or his campaign has suggested that Beijing can expect any favours from the Democratic presidential candidate. "A Biden administration will also work with India to support a rules-based and stable Indo-Pacific region in which no country, including China, is able to threaten its neighbours with impunity," his campaign has said.

The Indians were the most impacted with Trump's sudden suspension of the H-1B visas and Biden has clarified that the suspension will "not be in this administration". Recognising the contribution of foreign workers, Biden also said if voted to power, giving citizenship to undocumented immigrants will be a priority, including 1.7 million from AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) community.

There were eyebrows raised when Biden's campaign website in a policy paper criticised India's Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC), saying they compromise with India's credentials of a secular and a multi-religious democracy. The criticism was not just limited to CAA, but extended to Kashmir as well. But to imply that Indo-US ties under Biden will get affected because of these issues is reading too much.

So, Indians should read this article and let Americans take a call. After all, New Delhi and Washington know that straining ties with the other will not only be irrational but harm world order too. And, Biden and Trump are likely to be aware of it.
I think the main issue India will have with Biden is lack of engagement with respect to China/Pakistan and slight hostility regarding Kashmir/Human Rights. In the US, Modi and the BJP are portrayed poorly to say the least. There will be a lot of pressure on him to make statements denouncing populism and exclusion, but I don't think he'll actually do anything concrete against India. He understands that he needs to be on good terms with India to hedge Chinese expansion in Asia, but he'll stay at arm's length. Expect 'holier than thou' speeches against India and feel good statements targeting woke liberals and Muslims, but no economic sanctions or anything like that.

The main thing with Biden is that he is positioning himself as a leader of social renewal, so he's not really expected to do much in the way for foreign policy. He'll suck up to Europe to try and placate them after Trump, and he'll make some feel good statements to other nations but that will probably be it. He'll probably expand immigration which might affect India, though will likely be targeting Latinos more.

Biden likely won't push through comprehensive military pacts and economic integration with India and he will definitely not be as aggressive against China. Relations will still be a bit frosty, but the trade war will slow down a lot, and he'll likely ease up on military pressure. The 'pivot to Asia' will slow down for a term or two. Biden will probably focus most of his foreign policy angst on Russia.
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I think the main issue India will have with Biden is lack of engagement with respect to China/Pakistan and slight hostility regarding Kashmir/Human Rights. In the US, Modi and the BJP are portrayed poorly to say the least. There will be a lot of pressure on him to make statements denouncing populism and exclusion, but I don't think he'll actually do anything concrete against India. He understands that he needs to be on good terms with India to hedge Chinese expansion in Asia, but he'll stay at arm's length. Expect 'holier than thou' speeches against India and feel good statements targeting woke liberals and Muslims, but no economic sanctions or anything like that.

The main thing with Biden is that he is positioning himself as a leader of social renewal, so he's not really expected to do much in the way for foreign policy. He'll suck up to Europe to try and placate them after Trump, and he'll make some feel good statements to other nations but that will probably be it. He'll probably expand immigration which might affect India, though will likely be targeting Latinos more.

Biden likely won't push through comprehensive military pacts and economic integration with India and he will definitely not be as aggressive against China. Relations will still be a bit frosty, but the trade war will slow down a lot, and he'll likely ease up on military pressure. The 'pivot to Asia' will slow down for a term or two. Biden will probably focus most of his foreign policy angst on Russia.
How do you think the election would go? Biden all the way or is Trump some sort of a dark horse. I still see reports on Twitter of antifa / BLM riots across the US. Can't tell if it's in some pockets or widespread. I expect that should polarize some voters at least depending on it's spread.
Republicans have more practical approach towards foreign policy, they have been easier for India to engage with. Even the silent master Manmohan singh who barely opened his mouth even on domestic issues was able to have a nuclear agreement with US under republican president. With Obama or Clinton it was a big zero, they only pandered to extremist section.

For example pakistan was regularly extorting money from US claiming reimbursement for war on terror while aiding taliban. Its so shocking that under Obama pakistan simply got away scot free for hiding bin laden. I am sure if it were under republican president they would have got severely hammered with sanctions.
How do you think the election would go? Biden all the way or is Trump some sort of a dark horse. I still see reports on Twitter of antifa / BLM riots across the US. Can't tell if it's in some pockets or widespread. I expect that should polarize some voters at least depending on it's spread.
I would be very surprised if Trump manages to win. I don't know anybody (even my friends/family who strongly support him) that expects Trump to win without some Supreme Court shenanigans in the event of a close race. There has been historic voter turnout so far (over 70 million early votes!), which indicates to a landslide Democratic victory. It's not impossible for Trump to pull some dark horse/silent majority thing...but it's extremely unlikely.

Basically no MSM is reporting on Antifa/BLM or the riots anymore. The news cycle is back to hammering Trump on poor pandemic handling, the new SC Justice and random scandals (like that militia that recently tried to abduct the Governor of Michigan, or the various high level officials contracting COVID).
I would be very surprised if Trump manages to win. I don't know anybody (even my friends/family who strongly support him) that expects Trump to win without some Supreme Court shenanigans in the event of a close race. There has been historic voter turnout so far (over 70 million early votes!), which indicates to a landslide Democratic victory. It's not impossible for Trump to pull some dark horse/silent majority thing...but it's extremely unlikely.

Basically no MSM is reporting on Antifa/BLM or the riots anymore. The news cycle is back to hammering Trump on poor pandemic handling, the new SC Justice and random scandals (like that militia that recently tried to abduct the Governor of Michigan, or the various high level officials contracting COVID).

There are several articles which puts Biden in bad light -

Both are morons.
that's why its called democracy.
How do you think the election would go? Biden all the way or is Trump some sort of a dark horse. I still see reports on Twitter of antifa / BLM riots across the US. Can't tell if it's in some pockets or widespread. I expect that should polarize some voters at least depending on it's spread.
As long as republicans control the senate it makes no difference who wins the presidential election. No laws will get through and things will never change. It will become a stalemate with a near lame duck president.
  • Haha
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There are several articles which puts Biden in bad light -

None of these are mainstream or reputable news sources. NaturalNews is a known fake news blog while Infowars is a website that peddles conspiracy theories.
None of these are mainstream or reputable news sources. NaturalNews is a known fake news blog while Infowars is a website that peddles conspiracy theories.
Well, what do you reckon would happen if Trump trumps the odds? One of the reasons I'm kind of partial to him is not only because of his policy on China but also coz he's a maverick.

For far too long has the LeLi academia, intelligensia, media, etc called the shots, held opinions hostage by pronouncing their validations on what or who's acceptable & as arbiters of the country's future with the result that they've been punching far above their weight & those that met with their disapproval would either moderate their views, alter them substantially or do a 180' flip, never ever confronting them & calling out their hypocrisy perhaps out of sense of being intimidated.

This has led to a lot of bloated egos which this guy has been puncturing with obvious relish never resorting to abuse just barbs, ridicule, satire, quips,exaggerated claims
( bordering on lies if not being outlandish - deliberately too I suspect ) etc.

He's not changed a wee bit since he ran & won an unlikely campaign in 2016 . I think it's this attitude of his more than anything else which gets the goat of his opponents - this utter disdain with which he treats them & their views as elaborated above that prompts them to redouble their efforts to unseat him for not only does he make them look ridiculous but entirely irrelevant.

Therefore to his opponents, it's become an existential battle. I sure hope he pulls of a surprise like he did in 2016.
I would be very surprised if Trump manages to win. I don't know anybody (even my friends/family who strongly support him) that expects Trump to win without some Supreme Court shenanigans in the event of a close race. There has been historic voter turnout so far (over 70 million early votes!), which indicates to a landslide Democratic victory. It's not impossible for Trump to pull some dark horse/silent majority thing...but it's extremely unlikely.

Basically no MSM is reporting on Antifa/BLM or the riots anymore. The news cycle is back to hammering Trump on poor pandemic handling, the new SC Justice and random scandals (like that militia that recently tried to abduct the Governor of Michigan, or the various high level officials contracting COVID).
Trump will win easily. It's the democrats that are rigging the elections. It's going to be chaotic once the election results come. Dems have planned a whole lot of contingencies. Dems have lost already the landslide victory is for Trump..
Trump will win easily. It's the democrats that are rigging the elections. It's going to be chaotic once the election results come. Dems have planned a whole lot of contingencies. Dems have lost already the landslide victory is for Trump..
Are you from the US?
Are you from the US?
Nah. But I have been following the election. And a lot of things are happening. The entire big tech is democrat leftist influenced same for MSM. The amount of blatant censorship they have done is not sitting well with the users and Americans in general. Even the the more "sane" liberal are getting silenced now. The suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop leaks is also another big sign of how blatantly they are trying to control Biden's campaign. So you see a lot White Americans mostly have shifted to the Trump side. Also you have the Hispanic populations like the Cubans,Puerto Ricans who are openly trump. Even the black vote has started to divide among the democrats and republicans.
And the orthodox Jewish population and the entire Jewish community is now openly supporting trump.
The biggest Biden supporters are Islamist and leftist the same forces that are working in India. There are traditional Biden and democrat supporters. But I assume that most undecided voters will go for Trump.
Also most mail in voters are democrats and a lot of mail in ballots have been rejected. If you watch Project Veritas on youtube you can see how the ilhan Omar and bunch of Somalis supporters of her are rigging voting in a lot of places.
Plus there is an exodus from California,New York and Illinois to inner cities or republican states.
Republican voters are all going outside and doing proper voting.
The polls on MSM are all rigged and this will be repeat of 2016 the only difference being a landslide victory for Trump or a rigged victory of the Democrats where Biden will be President for two months and then Kamala will take charge...
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Well, what do you reckon would happen if Trump trumps the odds? One of the reasons I'm kind of partial to him is not only because of his policy on China but also coz he's a maverick.

For far too long has the LeLi academia, intelligensia, media, etc called the shots, held opinions hostage by pronouncing their validations on what or who's acceptable & as arbiters of the country's future with the result that they've been punching far above their weight & those that met with their disapproval would either moderate their views, alter them substantially or do a 180' flip, never ever confronting them & calling out their hypocrisy perhaps out of sense of being intimidated.

This has led to a lot of bloated egos which this guy has been puncturing with obvious relish never resorting to abuse just barbs, ridicule, satire, quips,exaggerated claims
( bordering on lies if not being outlandish - deliberately too I suspect ) etc.

He's not changed a wee bit since he ran & won an unlikely campaign in 2016 . I think it's this attitude of his more than anything else which gets the goat of his opponents - this utter disdain with which he treats them & their views as elaborated above that prompts them to redouble their efforts to unseat him for not only does he make them look ridiculous but entirely irrelevant.

Therefore to his opponents, it's become an existential battle. I sure hope he pulls of a surprise like he did in 2016.

I think the main factors that differ between 2016 and today is the effort put against Trump and the candidate he faces.

In 2016 people thought Trump was a joke and that the Republican party was dead. They didn't take him seriously. This has changed and the past 4 years has been nothing but 24/7 anti-Trump press. Every deep-seated societal woe that has ailed this country is suddenly Trump's fault. You'll struggle to find any good rhetoric for Trump, even for things he accomplished that are objectively good. The biggest strength Trump had was record shattering economy and unemployment, which are in the gutters now due to COVID and being blamed entirely on Trump. As much as we dislike left-lib elites and institutions, they are very effective in pushing narratives.

Hillary Clinton was also really hated by the electorate in 2016. She ran the most smug and entitled campaign in history (remember "its HER turn"). Nobody wanted to vote in a career politician when the general sentiment in 2016 was anti-establishment. I can't say Biden is far more loved, he is just far less reviled than Hillary and generally more palatable.

If Trump pulls out a victory after all this, he will be an absolute legend. His style and brand of populism/demagoguery isn't really replicable so I don't expect he will change the face of conservatism or anything like that. I don't think a second Trump presidency will do much though. Sure there will be an explosion of riots and protests against him, probably some street clashes between nationalists and socialists, but it won't flare into anything major.

Trump's main challenge will remain the same - the House of Representatives will still be controlled by Democrats who are hostile and will actively obstruct anything and everything they can. The only things he could theoretically accomplish are appointing new judges, affirming the US position against China, and conducting some transactional trade deals. The UK will probably be saved from crashing and burning in the event of hard-Brexit, but at the cost of basically being the 51st state.

I don't expect any bills to pass, no Trump wall or infrastructure plans. The rest of the world will get more accustomed to dealing with their own problems without US input. Trump will face the very real threat in 2022 that he will lose the Senate and then immediately be impeached and removed by a Democrat controlled Congress. It's not out of the realm that his whole second term gets paralyzed by nonstop impeachments & investigations by a bitter House.
that's why its called democracy.

As long as republicans control the senate it makes no difference who wins the presidential election. No laws will get through and things will never change. It will become a stalemate with a near lame duck president.
Primaries are horrible, Parties are intrinsically very weak structured. I very much appreciate India's Political setup of churning leaders either out of Merit or out on consensus compromise, rather than the dog and pony show.
If an idiot like trump can elections, there is a good chance that tomorrow Borat can run, and should win. Not much difference between the two.
Primaries are horrible, Parties are intrinsically very weak structured. I very much appreciate India's Political setup of churning leaders either out of Merit or out on consensus compromise, rather than the dog and pony show.
If an idiot like trump can elections, there is a good chance that tomorrow Borat can run, and should win. Not much difference between the two.
Trump is not an idiot. He is pretty smart. He can stage manage very well. Trump appealed to the lowest common denominator in his speeches that's why he won. His diversionary tactics and campaign style should be learnt rather than scoffed at..
I would go as far as to say that he could give Obama a tough time in the elections.
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