INS Vikrant (IAC1) & INS Vikramaditya - News & Discussions

In 3 years time ALL MIG 29 K would have crashed

It will become a toothless carrier
You are exaggerating bit, but i do agree that Mig29K is becoming Navy's Mig21 slowly.

@vstol Jockey is there any chances to fast forward the new fighter jet procurement? I think 4 crashes in last two years should open MOD's eye. Hal is pushing for TEDBF instead of f18SH blk3, hvt is so much against f18 procurement.
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INS Vikrant may be inducted by 2022-23, says ENC Chief​

Sumit Bhattacharjee | December 04, 2020


ENC chief Vice-Admiral Atul Kumar Jain speaking at a press meet on the eve of Navy Day in Visakhapatnam on Thursday. | Photo Credit: K.R. DEEPAK

The aircraft carrier INS Vikrant, which is being built in the Cochin Shipyard, may be inducted into the Indian Navy some time in 2022-23, said the Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Eastern Naval Command, Atul Kumar Jain.

The Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC) will be based in ENC and form a formidable force in the Indo-Pacific region with other assets such as the SSN (sub surface nuclear) submarines that are being proposed under Project 75 Alpha, said Vice-Admiral Jain, here on Thursday.

Addressing the press at the annual meet, he said the Indian Navy was on the verge of becoming a formidable blue water force by tuning well with the ‘make in India’ or ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’.

“Today, the IAC is being built in India, which will be followed by Shivalik-class multi-role frigates and Kamorta-class anti-submarine warfare corvettes. Five to 10 years down the line, we visualize a dominant naval force with indigenous capabilities. And for that to happen we need all including PSUs, Navy, MSME and startups to work together as a team,” he said.

He said that bilateral and multilateral naval exercises had been yielding good results and the exercise with Japan, Russia and the USA, had been useful in checking China.

According to him, Australia joining the Malabar exercise this year was a game changer, as now the Indian Navy drones, ships and P8I aircraft could patrol without any hindrance till Sunda Strait.

Expanding economy​

The Vice-Admiral said that for the government to achieve the vision of a five trillion economy, the naval might and maritime security needed to be strengthened.

“About 70% of the trade in value and 80% in volume happens through the sea and we have a number of threats including from China and piracy. The role of the Indian Navy is to see that trade is free of any disturbances. We have been providing security 24/7 to our merchant ships in sensitive zones such as the Gulf of Aden, but with the mounting challenge we need more assets and ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ will help achieve that,” he said.

Coastal security​

The chief of ENC said coastal security after 26/11 had become a priority and the ENC had been playing its role in eastern seaboard by not only maintaining a tight vigil along the long coastline but also stepping up surveillance at all entry and exit routes.

Agreeing that China had greater numbers both in terms of manpower and naval assets, Mr. Jain pointed out that India was way ahead of Pakistan in naval might. “We have recently successfully test fired anti-ship missiles such as Uran and Brahmos. During the 1971 war, our missile corvettes had to go close to Karachi to fire the missiles, now we can fire them from beyond visual range both from ships and underwater platforms,” he said.

Women were slowly being inducted into ships and combat duty. “We already have two women in INS Vikramaditya in the Western Fleet and two in INS Shakti in ENC. Very soon women will also fly naval helicopters,” he said.

Source: The Hindu
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Extremely well articulated thread between the land centricism doctrine of our armed forces namely the IA vs a more holistic approach articulated by the IN which itself given our resource crunch can be split between sea control & sea denial wallahs.

One wonders why can't our members here come up with such articles. After all Mihir Shah himself is an amateur expert with a decade of experience on BRF give or take a few years much like some veterans out here.

Instead we have short pithy takes out here instead of well articulated positions on the pros & cons of such an approach - any approach, which too is welcome instead of the tomes & tomes of insane optimism we're sometimes subjected too & then more tomes & tomes of clarification when caught out or exposed - a regular feature in the past few years.

Sometimes I think that's precisely why such thoughts - especially the latter as described above are articulated in such a closed group instead of a public platform like Twitter lest the said views & it's owner gets publicly humiliated for such jejune & juvenile behavior & it's consequences best articulated by this sentence in my late teens - apne hi chaddi se apne hi pichwade ka khoon saaf kiya.


Extremely well articulated thread between the land centricism doctrine of our armed forces namely the IA vs a more holistic approach articulated by the IN which itself given our resource crunch can be split between sea control & sea denial wallahs.

One wonders why can't our members here come up with such articles. After all Mihir Shah himself is an amateur expert with a decade of experience on BRF give or take a few years much like some veterans out here.

Instead we have short pithy takes out here instead of well articulated positions on the pros & cons of such an approach - any approach, which too is welcome instead of the tomes & tomes of insane optimism we're sometimes subjected too & then more tomes & tomes of clarification when caught out or exposed - a regular feature in the past few years.

Sometimes I think that's precisely why such thoughts - especially the latter as described above are articulated in such a closed group instead of a public platform like Twitter lest the said views & it's owner gets publicly humiliated for such jejune & juvenile behavior & it's consequences best articulated by this sentence in my late teens - apne hi chaddi se apne hi pichwade ka khoon saaf kiya.
CDS chaired by Rawat is the worst thing happened to our military. He is dictating other two services on what they want and what they should buy and what they should do.
His appointment is equals the demonetization decision by modi government, in both cases objective was good but the results turned out as a disaster.
Thanks @Gautam for the reply!
Also, I was randomly thinking of some upgrades/mods for Vikramaditya, should it go to a major refit....
1. Jet Blast Deflectors
2. I see 4 "boats", 2 on each side of Vicky(can someone tell me what they are?) Can they be replaced by, say, Unmanned Surface Vessels, which can sport some advanced surveillance(recon) systems and some bang-for-the-buck weapons systems(Chain gun, Anti Ship Rockets, mines, etc...)?
3. Unmanned Aerial Systems, let's say, dedicated to AEW, ASW, Transport, etc.... (maybe free up space for more fighters, in place for helos?)
4. A long "deck" added to the ship(on the island side...) for carrying above platforms...
5. An advanced Anti-Torpedo Integrated Defense System(soft kill + hard kill), like the ones installed on Nimitz class supercarriers.
6. Can someone add anything else?😅

Can people here analyse the feasibilty of the above points? @randomradio, @Ashwin, @vstol Jockey
(Sorry if the above sound ridiculous...)
A few years back, there were several reports stating that IN Mig-29Ks were suffering from low serviciability rates(14 - 22%), and that the Navy wanted these jets to be further roughened up... Then a couple years ago, I saw a news article that said that the CNS has stated that all problems regarding the jets had been resolved. So what is the availability rate now, 70-75%? Because if Vicky carries its full complement of 30 Migs and 10 Hepters, we'll have 21-23 jets available for offensive strike missions and defensive CAPs at any given time...and I guess that's pretty good for a STOBAR carrier(?) @vstol Jockey, @Gautam, @randomradio, @Ashwin??
The round white ones ? SATCOMs not radars.
So previously, did Vicky not have the ability to communicate with Indian satellites?, Or are these just enhanced capability additions?
Jet Blast Deflectors
2 deflectors are already installed.
I see 4 "boats", 2 on each side of Vicky(can someone tell me what they are?)
RHIBs for crew transport & deploying Special Forces at sea.
Can they be replaced by, say, Unmanned Surface Vessels, which can sport some advanced surveillance(recon) systems and some bang-for-the-buck weapons systems(Chain gun, Anti Ship Rockets, mines, etc...)?
Replaced ? No. Those RHIBs are essential. A couple of armed/unarmed USVs are under trials, the navy can add those to Vicky later.
Unmanned Aerial Systems, let's say, dedicated to AEW, ASW, Transport, etc.... (maybe free up space for more fighters, in place for helos?)
Vicky will carry UAVs in the future. Mostly VTOL or small CTOL recon drones. There was a plan for getting the Ghatak UCAV on the Vicky and IAC-01. But that is a long way from now. I don't think UAVs will take up any AEW, ASW let alone transport role yet. Replacing helos for UAVs is not something Navy would consider.
A long "deck" added to the ship(on the island side...) for carrying above platforms...
The ship's front inclined deck has been modified an added on by the Russians once. Doing it again may not be safe.
An advanced Anti-Torpedo Integrated Defense System(soft kill + hard kill), like the ones installed on Nimitz class supercarriers.
Mareech ATDS is already deployed on the Vicky as a soft kill measure. IN was in conversation with the Israeli company Rafael for the Torbuster hard kill system sometime back. It is not known if they acquired it.
A few years back, there were several reports stating that IN Mig-29Ks were suffering from low serviciability rates(14 - 22%), and that the Navy wanted these jets to be further roughened up... Then a couple years ago, I saw a news article that said that the CNS has stated that all problems regarding the jets had been resolved. So what is the availability rate now, 70-75%? Because if Vicky carries its full complement of 30 Migs and 10 Hepters, we'll have 21-23 jets available for offensive strike missions and defensive CAPs at any given time...and I guess that's pretty good for a STOBAR carrier(?)
I have no clue about that.
So previously, did Vicky not have the ability to communicate with Indian satellites?, Or are these just enhanced capability additions?
Previously IN relied on some generic Indian satellites & foreign satellites like Inmarsat. Since 2013 they had their own satellite: the GSAT-7 which functions on the UHF, C & Ku bands. To exploit its full capacity ships needed at least 3 SATCOM antennas, thus at least 3 radomes. Some ships retain the older SATCOM antennas used for other Indian satellites as a back up option.
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So, in this pic, we can see 3 new (1-1.5 yr old) additions on Vikramaditya's superstructure...
1.) 3 x 8(?) cell Barak-8
2) 2 new radomes....
Can anyone confirm? @randomradio, @Ashwin, @Gautam

Back in 2017-18 there were reports of the Barak being tested from Vikram, but did not accurately mention which version. But the VLS do look like Barak 8s.

Dunno about the radomes.