Indian Army ordered Kalyani M4 & Mahindra LSV Vehicles

Am I missing something here? From the looks of it, the M4 and the QRFV fulfill the same role. Why order both platforms and complicate logistics at forward bases?
Both are known within IA as Quick Reaction Fighting Vehicles.

Following are the numbers with IA which I was able to gather from internet:
Tata QRFV = 24/??
BF QRFV = 09/45
Both are known within IA as Quick Reaction Fighting Vehicles.

Following are the numbers with IA which I was able to gather from internet:
Tata QRFV = 24/??
BF QRFV = 09/45
Even if the volume of one of them is low, I don't see the appeal of having multiple platforms in the same region for the same niche purpose.

The Americans operate Caiman, MaxxPro and Buffalo among others for this type of role.
Sure, but at the time the US was fighting a 2 front war with strong insurgencies on the other side of the planet and just purchased whatever it could get its hands on to replace humvees. Currently the US is shedding all mraps except for the m-atv and maxxpro. Even the maxxpro will eventually just get replaced by more specialized jltv variants.

Both mraps that the US plans on keeping are smaller/lighter than the ones India is currently inducting. I don't think the US plans on using mraps for conventional conflicts since they just aren't that survivable and only keeps around a fleet in case they get mired in another low intensity conflict. Remaining US mraps will just end up in police/third world army stockpiles, rust away in storage, or get shredded.
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I think we need a sticky for light combat / non combat LV for infantry transportation & support along with renaming the thread. @Ashwin
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We had M4 there in a pic of a meeting? chinese brought this type light movers at that time.

Psychologically doesn't have the same impact on young minds because you can't identify yourself with driving a truck.

A convoy of Humvees look like race cars on a track, a convoy of trucks look like a logistics company carrying cargo.