Forum features , bugs , complaints and tutorials

Individual Posts can now be book marked for later use.

Your bookmarked contents can be accessed via profile.

Guests and unregistered users can use the feature as-well

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Please check before posing a new thread.
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Reactions: Sathya
In this thread I can see the type box above key pad.. In I pad ..
But other threads it overlapping..
Text formatting in android chrome is still not working. Not sure about other mobile browsers. (Edit: it's working after clicking on the small orange settings sign, but I took days to figure it out!)

I think threads in Q&A section are not appearing in the 'New Posts'.....making them hard to find.
Text formatting in android chrome is still not working. Not sure about other mobile browsers. (Edit: it's working after clicking on the small orange settings sign, but I took days to figure it out!)

I think threads in Q&A section are not appearing in the 'New Posts'.....making them hard to find.

Q and A follows a different modification but should appear in whats new , let me look.
All Q and A also appears in homepage by default.
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Reactions: dray
First, this site needs a nice Favicon .

Second, links of this forum are creating odd meaningless preview image when posted in facebook.
What's the point of having 'Positive', 'Neutral' and 'Negative' reaction counters under the profile, when there's no option provided for the latter two?
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Reactions: Aashish
SF header error.png

on desktop screen, the following error , please take care.

the header menu is showing vertical instead of horizontal.
I would like to inform all our members that we have upgraded the forum software xenforo to the latest version.

1. The latest version provides more stability and fixes a lot of bugs many of which we were waiting for a solution.
2. The version of software is still very new and it still needs a few more updates to fix all errors by the software developer.

I request all members to keep notifying us about any issues that they may face from time to time so that we can work on the issue and fix it. A lot of the issues are related to third party access and solutions , these third part solutions are not entirely in our hands to fix immediately but please note we take note of all your suggestions and requests and try to correct or implement the best we can at the earliest.
Xinhua Ad.jpg

Is this forum giving space for advertisement ?
Why all of a sudden I am seeing Ad of Chinese news media on thread specifically related to China and not anywhere else ?
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We are testing it.

please bear for some time
I see that its already been reported.
I got this. Dont tell me these are targetted ads based on history. :P I swear i aint got anything to do with these.
As an aside, I have been forced to install an adblocker. Works like a charm.