Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) : News and Updates




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Frankly, DG (MSS) DG NS&M & DG ECS should be going under PMO. DRDO can keep DG ACE, Aero, the materials labs. Life science , Avalanche etc labs should be merged as CoE with the IIT's under MoD funding. Clothing etc related work could be with the psu & academia along with industry.
Frankly, DG (MSS) DG NS&M & DG ECS should be going under PMO. DRDO can keep DG ACE, Aero, the materials labs. Life science , Avalanche etc labs should be merged as CoE with the IIT's under MoD funding. Clothing etc related work could be with the psu & academia along with industry.
Agree, now think about CSIR labs all except NAL has to be transferred to academia or closed.
DRDO handed over 23 Licensing Agreements for the Transfer of Technology (LATOT) to 22 industries in the presence of the Secretary Department of Defence (R&D) and Chairman DRDO Dr Samir V Kamat and other dignitaries. The technologies transferred to cover the domains of electronics, laser technology, armaments, life sciences, materials science, combat vehicles, naval systems, and aeronautics.

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DRDO handed over 23 Licensing Agreements for the Transfer of Technology (LATOT) to 22 industries in the presence of the Secretary Department of Defence (R&D) and Chairman DRDO Dr Samir V Kamat and other dignitaries. The technologies transferred to cover the domains of electronics, laser technology, armaments, life sciences, materials science, combat vehicles, naval systems, and aeronautics.

Despite all the criticism(valid too at places), DRDO is doing a stellar job in my opinion as far as our goal of self-reliance is concerned.

In the above chart they have shown Single Crystal HPT Blade. Hopefully now they/GTRE should turn their focus on Ceramic Matrix Composite HPT blades. Once that is done, we'll become self-reliant in the most coveted and elusive aero-engine department as well.
Would love to know what turret or general purpose test rig. Quite a few programs are tendered on , some with typical questionable drdo naming choice
advanced vetronics for some AFV, composite armour for light armoured vehicle (CATFLAV) , turret test rig, more Pralay warhead 700kg class.

The Indian Army has deployed seven new indigenous integrated drone detection and interdiction systems (IDD&IS) along the northern borders with China. These systems, developed by DRDO and Bharat Electronics, provide both “soft kills” through jamming and “hard kills” using lasers, with a detection range of 5 to 8 km.

Source: Army deploys advanced anti-drone defense systems along China border
Probably a combination of the existing C-UAS systems already seen before.

The soft-kill system:


The 2kW hard-kill system:

10kW hard-kill system:


The 2kW laser can kill quadcopters from 1km away:

The 10kW laser's kill range has not been mentioned in public yet. I would guess that the kill range is around 4+ km.

From the article:
DRDO is currently working on DEWs with power levels of nearly 30-50 kilowatts, aiming to develop systems with higher power levels in the next three to five years.
“The aim is to develop DEWs with higher power levels in the next three to five years with envisaged operational ranges of tens of kms,” a source said.

This new 30-50 kW laser is going to be a solid-state laser. This new solid-state laser will have both land & sea-based versions.

DRDO had already developed a 100kW gas dynamic laser. Gas lasers are not practical for military use.
