No sympathy for Scam Nazi musk.Those astronauts could have been brought back long time back. Biden dint want spacex or elon musk to get any media attention. This is the same company which is limping from one disaster to another ranging from quality controls to outright crashes. Trusting that company to bring back astronauts safe is the last thing on earth that would happen.
Some time back Biden convened a meeting of CEO's of EV manufacturers , guess what he dint invite Tesla/ Elon , largest seller of EV's in US. Its not elon musk is a totally spotless guy, but being a president of a country and behaving like a mom & pop store owner doesnt look great.
Oh dunga din I see your Effendi is still living rent free in your head.
I was looking forward to the A word coming into the campaign / debates of the forthcoming presidential elections & here it is . California grifter didn't disappoint . Carrot Top will think one thing , will say another thing & do something quite different.
Nonetheless , Project Demolition of the nuclear family after operation destruction of the joint family in the US proceeding on course. Hallelujah ! Having succeeded in it now they've moved on to new frontiers like the male body , various genders & human sexuality . I'm sure they'd succeed here too.
Speaking of abortions sweetie seems to have aborted being out here after begging / pleading / exhorting me to return . Now that I'm here , sweetie's MIA.
It's much the same story in the past & will continue in future too. To think I returned only to engage with sweetie & sweetie's missing much like sweetie would be in case sweetie's mom exercised her rights over her body in ways Paddy's mom couldn't .
My sympathies to both women . One for having the choice & choosing not to exercise it & the other for having no choice in the matter.
Ja sweetie ? @Innominate
Joe Biden is no longer standing for election.what the heck ? so dems are calling reps as russian agents.
Oh dunga din I see your Effendi is still living rent free in your head.
How does she know she was put on a 'secret' terror watch list?
This isn't your Ukraine sewer where you get to post your propaganda crap. If you can't overcome your urge to post propaganda restrict your presence to the Ukraine thread. Don't go about polluting every damn thread you've the "privilege" to disgrace with your presence as opposed to grace.
Lulz. Dunga din logic at its best.
Frankly the speed at which illegal immigration seems to be overwhelming the US, it wouldn't be inconceivable to imagine there will come a day very soon when instead of the African Americans & Hispanics living in ghettos , the whites would be confined to ghettos.
That these would be gated communities with better standards of living is another matter but these would be ghettos nonetheless. California grifter will ensure that .
Ja sweetie ? @Innominate
Lulz. Dunga din logic at its best.
Speaking of ghettos I reckon you know best since your mumbai is nothing but a ghetto... but then again you wouldn't know if you're living in a ghetto since ghetto is all you know since your birth.
Let Effendi help you out, where you live is all ghetto to western devils like me. Kneegrows living in the worst ghetto here in US wouldn't trade places with you even if you paid them.
Now get my whatah!
Oh I love the high in the sky view of mumbai to hide this...Ah sweetie's back ! How did you fare in the national paintball championship sweetie or was it the national dodgeball championship ?
Got eliminated by 10-12 year old kids in the heats this time too ?
Ah well ! There's no shame in it . I mean look at Paddy. He loses out to 12 year old autistic kids in scrabble in spite of cheating . Do you see him fretting ? He's used to it. I suggest you emulate him.
Goodness me , sweetie . I mean how are we to blame if your kind is in the mood to self annihilate ?
On topic , actually we're gentrifying ( no , sweetie it's not what you think . Look up the term will ya ) sweetie. It may come as a shock to you but that's what 6-8% GDP growth YoY results in.
For example all those bad a s s e s from call centres who used to rip off stupid white folk in the US operating from run down derelict establishments have now shifted their operations to sky scrapers & dedicate all their success to the stupidity of white folk. They say thanks. Do convey it to their victims as & when you encounter them .
Here's a recent look at Mumbai . Your San Diego will easily fit into Mumbai as a suburb. Ok let's make it an extended suburb so that you don't get your thongs into a twist once again & start whining .
You can't even get your own candidate to win & here you're bragging about helping us out when most of our kind are shoving you out of lucrative jobs over there & by replacing you courtesy call centres out here . Besides , one of us is now standing for the president of your country determined to screw you & your kind .
Why would Niggas like it here ? Living out here involves hard work which they despise. There is no social security here nor is there the second amendment or is there a drug culture here which kind of rules out living off the state or earning a living through thieving or through pushing drugs.
All these are their birth right & pretty much their lifestyle in the states which California grifter is determined to uphold while increasing their benefits by pauperizing white boys like you .
You've our sympathies sweetie but such is life. Ja ?
Oh I love the high in the sky view of mumbai to hide this...
and this was mumbai alone.
Yeah , we just saw what a great suburb it is ."Your San Diego will easily fit into Mumbai as a suburb. Ok let's make it an extended suburb
That is not a good thing dunga din. Here in San Diego we love our not too big/not too small county.
No dunga din, video I posted of your hometown is this year so live with it. The homeless in San Diego is centered in downtown. Every "downtown" US city has homeless population thanks to democrats thankfully I don't live anywhere near downtown San Diego however where you live is a hellhole.The Dharavi Project - Google Search
Old news sweetie . That slum's being torn down in a massive redevelopment project . In spite of being a slum they generate a turnover of in excess of 1 billion USD a year . I've yet to see trailer park generate that kind of dough.
Dharavi: The New Hub of Minting Money
An 18th-century mangrove swamp has now earned its very own title as the third-largest slum in the world. Dharavi is located between Mumbai city’s two main suburban railway lines,
And this was for San Diego alone. Plenty of material there on San Francisco & rest of California what to speak of NYC , Chicago & the rest of the US.
Beats me why don't you guys grow more organic food stuff ? I mean why do you have to import it all the way from India .
Didn't we go over this a few years ago ? The reason India's so fertile & a leading exporter of organic food stuff to the west & the US especially California being one of its leading consumers.
Bon appetit , the next time you bite into that burger tasting that lettuce. Btw bon appetit is a compliment sweetie lest you get ideas.
Yeah , we just saw what a great suburb it is .
Meanwhile on topic , Putin endorses California grifter. Will this benefit carrot top ? I doubt it . People seem to have forgotten he survived an assassination attempt barely a month ago.
No dunga din, video I posted of your hometown is this year so live with it. The homeless in San Diego is centered in downtown. Every "downtown" US city has homeless population thanks to democrats thankfully I don't live anywhere near downtown San Diego however where you live is a hellhole.
So I just discovered this human's video that human posted yesterday.... this is literally mein neighborhood
When I was a kid
my family lived at the man made lake community. Unlike you when I step out of my house I don't have to worry about cows, stepping on sht or pollution. Nothing like living in the Suburbs dunga din....