US Military Technology

“One of the companies that is receiving [AFPIT funding] is a small company that is building a phase modulator that will decrease the amount of cooling required for fiber lasers by 50%,” Shyu said on April 17. “Think about that.”


The Pentagon has previously said that this weapon would allow the Army and Navy to "strike targets hundreds and even thousands of miles away" and that it will get up to a speed of Mach 17.
could hit "within 14 inches from center point of the intended target
The DRIFT program utilizes multiple Umbra Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites, which operate in formation to enable the creation of advanced processing algorithms. These developments in coordinated flying and data collection reflect Umbra's expertise in remote sensing and its dedication to advancing technological boundaries in space systems.
The next phase involves an extensive collection campaign over several months, where Umbra's SAR satellites will collect bistatic and multistatic data sets for further evaluation by DARPA and associated contractors. The phase is set to culminate with an in-space demonstration of the multistatic capabilities developed by Umbra.
Jason Mallare, Vice President of Global Solutions at Umbra, shared his enthusiasm, saying, "We're grateful to contribute to DARPA's vision, leveraging top-tier U.S. capabilities for asymmetric advantage. Umbra's differentiated technology and relentless focus on tech evolution drive us forward. We're excited about the future this technology and similar capabilities hold for Umbra and the nation."
Recently, Umbra showcased bistatic imagery obtained from its tandem satellites. With six satellites currently deployed and plans for a total of 32 in strategic pairs, Umbra's SAR satellites provide indispensable day/night, all-weather monitoring capabilities. These satellites offer high-quality SAR data crucial for the U.S. Government, its allies, and commercial entities, providing them with actionable insights regardless of weather conditions.
Looks like SM-6 Ib could be a glide-phase interceptor as well as a surface-to-surface strike weapon.

