Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

They can mobilize faster than the US and France can. And they are the ones with a production and mobilization advantage right now. They have 400k extra troops as well. To make matters worse, they can arm Syria with advanced missiles.

In case Russia is kicked out, Iran will fill the void. And in case Iran is also kicked out, France will only serve in making Turkey stronger. There are no good options.

It's too late to relieve the Ukrainian front. The Russians now have enough strength the open up the entire border to attacks. This war was over the minute the UAF began their counteroffensive. After all, they are raising 17 new divisions.
:ROFLMAO:They're already over-extended in Ukraine, half that 400k is dead already.

Russia had to pull troops from the Finnish border and Nagorno just to keep up with its losses in Ukraine. You massively over-estimate Russian abilities. You've been doing it since January 2022.

Israel could take out Russian positions in Syria given that Russia started the Gaza War as a distraction.

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There was US report that Russia has already deployed advance air defence in Iran out of fear of Syrian air space or Iraqi airspace used for striking Iran
The term 'advanced' being used in the loosest possible sense.
No, these 400k are new. This is not counting what they started with and the 300k reserves that were called up a year ago.
:ROFLMAO: Nope, they're half dead already, the 300k were gone months ago. Explain why Russian pulled troops from Armenia and Finnish border if it has 400k going spare? What forces do you think its conducting its present offensive with?
:ROFLMAO: Nope, they're half dead already, the 300k were gone months ago. Explain why Russian pulled troops from Armenia and Finnish border if it has 400k going spare? What forces do you think its conducting its present offensive with?

They pulled those back when the war began. These guys are new, still being recruited.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday ordered the country’s military to increase the number of troops by nearly 170,000 to a total of 1.32 million, as Moscow’s military action in Ukraine continues into its 22nd month.

It is the second such expansion of the army since 2018. The previous boost by 137,000 troops, ordered by Putin in August 2022, put the military’s numbers at about 2 million personnel and about 1.15 million troops.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said on Friday that more than 452,000 people were recruited to the Russian military under contract from Jan. 1 to Dec. 1 2023.
Russia's armed forces have recruited 385,000 people so far this year,

These are extra troops.
They pulled those back when the war began. These guys are new, still being recruited.
Pulled who back, WTF are you even talking about?:ROFLMAO: They pulled them back in the last 12 months.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday ordered the country’s military to increase the number of troops by nearly 170,000 to a total of 1.32 million, as Moscow’s military action in Ukraine continues into its 22nd month.

It is the second such expansion of the army since 2018. The previous boost by 137,000 troops, ordered by Putin in August 2022, put the military’s numbers at about 2 million personnel and about 1.15 million troops.
Has nothing to do with numbers sent to Ukraine.
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said on Friday that more than 452,000 people were recruited to the Russian military under contract from Jan. 1 to Dec. 1 2023.
Russia's armed forces have recruited 385,000 people so far this year,

These are extra troops.
They are already fighting or dead.

Russian losses are at least twice as high as Ukrainian losses - bare minimum. They're up against better weapons and now more artillery too.
They pulled those back when the war began. These guys are new, still being recruited.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday ordered the country’s military to increase the number of troops by nearly 170,000 to a total of 1.32 million, as Moscow’s military action in Ukraine continues into its 22nd month.

It is the second such expansion of the army since 2018. The previous boost by 137,000 troops, ordered by Putin in August 2022, put the military’s numbers at about 2 million personnel and about 1.15 million troops.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said on Friday that more than 452,000 people were recruited to the Russian military under contract from Jan. 1 to Dec. 1 2023.
Russia's armed forces have recruited 385,000 people so far this year,

These are extra troops.
Russia also needs a large army just to keep Russia under Putin's thumb. They're also economically limited as to how many troops they can deploy. If they could deploy more to Ukraine to win the war they would. There's also no way Russia could transport troops and equipment to Syria if the US decided to stop them.
Pulled who back, WTF are you even talking about?:ROFLMAO: They pulled them back in the last 12 months.

Has nothing to do with numbers sent to Ukraine.

They are already fighting or dead.

Russian losses are at least twice as high as Ukrainian losses - bare minimum. They're up against better weapons and now more artillery too.

80% of Russia's army was already deployed in Ukraine at the start of war.
On December 9, the Languedoc Multi-Mission Frigate (FREMM) of the French Navy shot down two drones that were heading straight towards it, coming from the coast of Yemen.

The interception and destruction of these two identified threats took place around 9:30 p.m. then around 11:30 p.m. (French time) 110 km from the coast of Yemen, near Al Hudaydah.

The Languedoc multi-mission frigate operates in the Red Sea under national chain of command.
80% of Russia's army was already deployed in Ukraine at the start of war.
How do you mean?

As an aside I don't know why news outlets keep posting civilian casualty figures stated by child murders and rapists as if they were from a reliable source of note in this war.
How do you mean?

Their standing army was 260k strong in Feb 2022. 190k were deployed to Ukraine. The rest were protecting Moscow and some at the Nordic states and the Far East.

By the end of the year, the Russians had 50k casualties, so they plugged that gap with 80k troops within 2 weeks in October, and this move even brought the initial invasion units to full strength, and they could go back to using brigades. This was followed by 220k troops more over the course of 2-3 months that effectively doubled presence.

Wagner's strength, separate from the above, added 60k convicts to their ranks in the same time and that's how they took Bakhmut.

Russians fighting in Ukraine = 190k + 80k + 220k + 75k = 560+k. And some 30k separatists. These guys roughly have seen around 150k casualties. So there's 400-450k left there.

Separately, 200k conscripts that were trained but never sent into Ukraine have now become regulars. And another 200-250k volunteers are expected to join, and they will form 17 new divisions. These new guys are not in Ukraine, they are still being trained and equipped.

Some of these new units are currently training on the borders of Ukraine in the northeast. It's very likely that they will launch a limited or full scale invasion of Ukraine and get the job done within a year of start of operation. So we could see the end of the war in 2025.

My prediction, the Russians will take everything east of the Dnieper, including Kiev, perhaps even Odessa. And Ukraine will set up its new capital in Lyiv.
Their standing army was 260k strong in Feb 2022. 190k were deployed to Ukraine. The rest were protecting Moscow and some at the Nordic states and the Far East.

By the end of the year, the Russians had 50k casualties, so they plugged that gap with 80k troops within 2 weeks in October, and this move even brought the initial invasion units to full strength, and they could go back to using brigades. This was followed by 220k troops more over the course of 2-3 months that effectively doubled presence.

Wagner's strength, separate from the above, added 60k convicts to their ranks in the same time and that's how they took Bakhmut.

Russians fighting in Ukraine = 190k + 80k + 220k + 75k = 560+k. And some 30k separatists. These guys roughly have seen around 150k casualties. So there's 400-450k left there.

Separately, 200k conscripts that were trained but never sent into Ukraine have now become regulars. And another 200-250k volunteers are expected to join, and they will form 17 new divisions. These new guys are not in Ukraine, they are still being trained and equipped.

Some of these new units are currently training on the borders of Ukraine in the northeast. It's very likely that they will launch a limited or full scale invasion of Ukraine and get the job done within a year of start of operation. So we could see the end of the war in 2025.
Russia mobilised 300k soldiers last September and another 400k since even officially, unofficially more. 150k dead maybe, and another 450k injured.
My prediction, the Russians will take everything east of the Dnieper, including Kiev, perhaps even Odessa. And Ukraine will set up its new capital in Lyiv.
Not a hope in hell. The net change in territory this year is in Ukraine's favour.
  • Haha
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Russia mobilised 300k soldiers last September and another 400k since even officially, unofficially more. 150k dead maybe, and another 450k injured.

No, they didn't. They have their own laws to follow.

Not a hope in hell. The net change in territory this year is in Ukraine's favour.

Things are going very badly for Ukraine. And they have already lost a lot of territory captured during the counteroffensive in a matter of days, especially Bakhmut. Been happening in the last 2 weeks now.
No, they didn't. They have their own laws to follow.
They officially said they did, are they now denying it? Well we know what happened to them then.:ROFLMAO:
Things are going very badly for Ukraine. And they have already lost a lot of territory captured during the counteroffensive in a matter of days, especially Bakhmut. Been happening in the last 2 weeks now.
Listen dude, stop getting your news from Russian sources, it's like getting your casualty figures from Hamas. Russia hasn't told the truth about a single thing relating to the Ukraine War since 2014. Even their own courts ended up admitting they had troops there despite official denials. They denied the sinking of the Moskva even long after it was obvious.

Days? The Russian offensive has been going since October 1st, that's 72 days. They even had one going in the Svatove area while the Ukrainian one was going. They've lost tens of thousands more troops with next to nothing to show for it. Bakhmut - Russia is still at the railway line in Andriivka, fact. Ukraine gained more territory during its offensive and lost less men. Russia now fires less artillery rounds per day than Ukraine, the graph of that was posting many weeks back. Russia no longer has even a quantitative artillery advantage, let alone a qualitative one. They're using old ammunition from the DPRK, which has destroyed many of the barrels using it. Russia's main territorial gains are in cemeteries.
They officially said they did, are they now denying it? Well we know what happened to them then.:ROFLMAO:

You will have to prove that. It's gonna make the news.

Listen dude, stop getting your news from Russian sources, it's like getting your casualty figures from Hamas. Russia hasn't told the truth about a single thing relating to the Ukraine War since 2014. Even their own courts ended up admitting they had troops there despite official denials. They denied the sinking of the Moskva even long after it was obvious.

Days? The Russian offensive has been going since October 1st, that's 72 days. They even had one going in the Svatove area while the Ukrainian one was going. They've lost tens of thousands more troops with next to nothing to show for it. Bakhmut - Russia is still at the railway line in Andriivka, fact. Ukraine gained more territory during its offensive and lost less men. Russia now fires less artillery rounds per day than Ukraine, the graph of that was posting many weeks back. Russia no longer has even a quantitative artillery advantage, let alone a qualitative one. They're using old ammunition from the DPRK, which has destroyed many of the barrels using it. Russia's main territorial gains are in cemeteries.

The Russians have retaken a lot of territories that the UAF had conquered. And the Russians prove that with videos and photographs of captured areas by posing in front of popular landmarks, like monuments and administrative buildings.

This is from British MoD.
The Russian army has made "creeping advances" through the ruins of Marinka in Donetsk Oblast and now "likely controls" most of the area, the U.K. Defense Ministry reported in an intelligence update on Dec. 5.
It's because since anything the Russians say is called propaganda, they have to prove what they say in order to have credibility. And once they prove it, you get news reports from the western side like the above.

This is what BBC could find on Russian deaths since the war began.
38,261 confirmed dead as of Dec 1st, 2023.

So what you are actually consuming is fake news. Reality is far more darker for Ukraine than you think.
You will have to prove that. It's gonna make the news.
It's already proven.
The Russians have retaken a lot of territories that the UAF had conquered. And the Russians prove that with videos and photographs of captured areas by posing in front of popular landmarks, like monuments and administrative buildings.

This is from British MoD.
The Russian army has made "creeping advances" through the ruins of Marinka in Donetsk Oblast and now "likely controls" most of the area, the U.K. Defense Ministry reported in an intelligence update on Dec. 5.
It's because since anything the Russians say is called propaganda, they have to prove what they say in order to have credibility. And once they prove it, you get news reports from the western side like the above.

This is what BBC could find on Russian deaths since the war began.
38,261 confirmed dead as of Dec 1st, 2023.

So what you are actually consuming is fake news. Reality is far more darker for Ukraine than you think.
Your handling of even explicit figures is terrible:

So stop trying to comprehend deliberately obscure ones. Russian excess deaths were 50k by May, and that's just the ones where the bodies have been returned home and buried.

Marinka was right on the edge of territory already occupied.
It's already proven.

Your handling of even explicit figures is terrible:

So stop trying to comprehend deliberately obscure ones. Russian excess deaths were 50k by May, and that's just the ones where the bodies have been returned home and buried.

Lol. Read the link, it's their official one.

Marinka was right on the edge of territory already occupied.

Everything being fought for is on the edge of occupied territory. It's called a front line.
Lol. Read the link, it's their official one.

Everything being fought for is on the edge of occupied territory. It's called a front line.
Look at the stats, Russia was several tenths above 18% when Ukraine began its last offensive, which was mocked by yourself for taking so little. Russia is yet to get back to 18%. It was at 17.96% at the start of the offensive, it is now at 17.967%. It has ~5x as much territory as it's currently retaken just to get back to 18%, which would still be only 9% of what they need to retake to pull back to where they were in June/July. I've posted this graph several times at various stages during the Ukrainian offensive in the other thread, go check search for them.


Marinka they already 90+% had on Oct 1st. They're just 2km from where they were on Feb 24th 2022 (red line). And that is your 'progress', 2km in 2 years.:ROFLMAO:

Look at the stats, Russia was several tenths above 18% when Ukraine began its last offensive, which was mocked by yourself for taking so little. Russia is yet to get back to 18%. It was at 17.96% at the start of the offensive, it is now at 17.967%. It has ~5x as much territory as it's currently retaken just to get back to 18%, which would still be only 9% of what they need to retake to pull back to where they were in June/July. I've posted this graph several times at various stages during the Ukrainian offensive in the other thread, go check search for them.

View attachment 31408

Marinka they already 90+% had on Oct 1st. They're just 2km from where they were on Feb 24th 2022 (red line). And that is your 'progress', 2km in 2 years.:ROFLMAO:

View attachment 31409

That map doesn't reflect the latest conquests.