Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

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nuke which city ? all the states will feign that they are not supporting any terrorists. More over its not its going to happen overnite , it is a proxy war of attrition. If israel threatens other muslim states they will also clamor for nukes like iran is doing.

It's based on the premise that Israel is gonna disappear. It would mean all the Jews would have to flee or die, so they have nothing to lose, they will use nukes regardless of public position at that point.

A proxy war won't damage Israel though. The casualty rate is completely lopsided in their favor.
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That isn't the government position. There are minorities of assholes in every country, that's the downside of free speech. They're the Seagals and Scott Ritter's etc.
Can't. Their backers are outsiders. They have to take out Iran and the GCC in the process. It's like how we have to deal with Pakistan for the same reason.
One way would be to annex it. It would be condemned no doubt, but the alternative is this shit show with inevitable civilian casualties every few years.
How long before the rest of the Arab nations join in? A repeat of the Arab vs Israel looks to be on the cards here! Also, it will be interesting to see how Israel retaliates against Iran.
One way would be to annex it. It would be condemned no doubt, but the alternative is this shit show with inevitable civilian casualties every few years.

I don't believe Israel can handle the blowback from annexing Gaza. And it's even worse domestically because it puts over 2 million hostile people into Israel's democratic system. This is only an option for autocracies.

Also, their main goal is West Bank. And in order to draw attention away from that, they need Gaza and Lebanon. Integration of West Bank into Israel can potentially end the war.

Here's a funny statement:
Israel’s settler council is preying on vulnerable refugees from Ukraine, offering help and homes in West Bank settlements.

So the Israelis are very slowly increasing the Jewish population in West Bank. Otoh, Gaza is not as important.