Republic Day 2022 Celebrations

Pity about the got in way of ground cameras looking at flypast dynamics above the low cloud layer....though it wasnt as bad as that one time some years back where you could barely see a thing.

I enjoyed the onboard footage (which more than made up for the poor weather), hope they keep that as standard feature going forward now.

The tableaus were kind of cringe, I don't really see the point....they seem out of place.

I think simply having the military gear, military marches...and then some cultural dances is best format. Stunt driving (which again I am not fan of, but ok lot of Indians like it) and flypast to wrap things up at end.

Also for military gear part, dont put it on a truck, sheesh. If its centurion tank, restore it so it can drive....I wanna see it/hear it....not being dollied around as some museum piece.
Smog will remain as long as people live in Delhi. One solution to that is to remove all the flypasts except for 1 or 2 symbolic ones, and to do them on rajpath when the monsoon is retreating, like early to mid november. The sky is crystal clear and there is reduced chances of rain.

The onboard footage to me looked like was pre-recorded from the practice runs. The seats were empty in those aerial shots. They just inter-weaved the footage with live footage. Also, there was no degradation in quality during the aerial shots which seemed a little sus. How could fast moving objects transmit such high fidelity footage without any compression degradation? You would need high bandwidth, low range transceivers for such broadcast, seems a little difficult to do when you are moving at 300/400/500 kmph, which would need a lot of signal hopping.

Tableau were fine, but those circus antics looked really embarrassing. I would call them human fidget spinners. What the *censored* is wrong with them? How are they related to celebrating the republic day?

"Human Bugs"


"Nuts Crusher"


"Human Fidget Spinner"

About those military gear part, you have to be a little realistic. Indian military museums aren't very well funded. HAL fails to take care of its domestically produced historical aircrafts. I don't think they could have made those tanks work even if they wanted to.

Uttar Pradesh selected as best state tableau of Republic Day parade 2022; Maharashtra wins in popular choice category

Ministry of Education & Ministry of Civil Aviation declared joint winners among Ministries; Department of Posts tops in online voting

CISF named best marching contingent among CAPF; CRPF tops the chart on MyGov

Indian Navy chosen as best marching contingent among the Services; Indian Air Force wins in popular choice category​

Results have been declared for best tableaux and best marching contingents of Republic Day parade 2022. Three panels of judges were appointed for assessing the performance of marching contingents from the three Services, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF)/other Auxiliary forces and tableaux from various States/Union Territories (UTs) and Central Ministries/Departments.

On the basis of the assessment of the panels, the Indian Navy marching contingent has been adjudged as the best marching contingent among the three Services.


Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has been named the best marching contingent among CAPF/other auxiliary forces.


The tableau of Uttar Pradesh has been selected as the best tableau among the 12 States/UTs which participated in the Republic Day parade on January 26, 2022. The tableau of Uttar Pradesh was based on the theme ‘One District One Product and Kashi Vishwanath Dham’.


The second place went to Karnataka for its tableau based on ‘Cradle of Traditional Handicrafts’. The third position went to Meghalaya for its tableau on ‘Meghalaya’s 50 years of Statehood and its tribute to women-led cooperative societies & SHGs’.

The tableaux of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Civil Aviation have been declared as joint winners in the category of Central Ministries/Departments. The theme of the tableau of Ministry of Education & Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship was ‘National Education Policy’, while the tableau of Ministry of Civil Aviation was based on the theme ‘Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik’. Nine tableaux of Central Ministries/Departments had participated in the parade.



The tableaux of Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (CPWD), based on the theme ‘Subhash @125’ and the ‘Vande Bharatam’ dance group have been selected for the special prize category.



Popular Choice Awards

In addition, for the first time, the general public was invited to vote for the best marching contingents and best tableaux in the popular choice category through the MyGov platform. The online poll was conducted between January 25-31, 2022.

As per popular choice, the marching contingent of the Indian Air Force has been picked as the best marching contingent among the three Services.


Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) received maximum votes on MyGov as the best marching contingent among CAPF/other auxiliary forces.


Maharashtra was voted as the best Tableau among the States/UTs in the popular choice category. The tableau of Maharashtra was based on the theme ‘Biodiversity and State Bio-symbols of Maharashtra’.


The second place went to Uttar Pradesh (popular choice), while the tableau of Jammu and Kashmir, on the theme ‘Changing face of Jammu & Kashmir’, finished third.

The tableau of Ministry of Communication/Department of Posts was adjudged as the best tableau among Central Ministries/Departments based on people’s selection. The theme of this tableau was ‘India Post: 75 years @ Resolve - Women Empowerment’.




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