All India requires is lots of Nap Bombs, and let it rain, all there so called courage to die will disappear in seconds when they see the first fellow soldier burn. No Pakistani soldier is willing to die by flames, as they will die a KAFIR.
We all know what happened in 1965 in tank battle in North India, And lets not forget Battle of Longewala in 1971, when 120 Indian soldiers faced approx. Pakistan 40+ tanks and 500+ vehicles with over 2000+ troops - when first tank went in flames rest became a headless chicken in a slaughter house - due to fear of burning and dying a Kafir
Know your history, we know your trigger points of fear paralysis.
Your false bravado is legendary - ask the Yemeni rebels, who too observed your Mard-E-Momin first hand when Pakistani troops on hire dropped all High tech Saudi vehicles and equipment and ran and surrendered on first flame.. Well Done General Raheel Sharif, commander-in-chief of the Islamic Military Alliance, Well done Mard-E-Momin.