Dear Windjammer


Senior member
Dec 19, 2017
Now don't get all sensitive and say 'oh don't refer to members in other forums' etc. Fact- with some people we have all dealt with and since I'm not in that forum, and it is rather interesting to counter him, I'm putting some responses to his threads here.

Since that greencrocer from Birmingham DEFINITELY will visit this thread, I'm sure the message will reach him.

Dear Windjammer,
There is a reason why I nick named you windbreaker and wrote a movie script called 'Windbreaker- Breaking Wind' . Your posts continue on the same vein filled with BS like they have been all your forumming career

a) A thread on F 16 completing 40 years mean only one thing- the people in those B&W photographs are in their 80s and have one foot in the grave (probably both). So those planes are ancient, 25 years older than Sukhois and I had to get a tetanus shot just to protect myself after looking at those photos.

b) The idea that these shit jets shot down a Sukhoi 30 makes me puke. In the real world they did just what they were capable of doing- in a pack of 16 they fought again a 1960s Mig 21 and shot it down only because the dude decided to cross over into your territory. your great PM Imran khan wrote in the New York times 'we shot down one jet', because even he knows that claiming your shit AF shot down a Su30 in a credible publication will make him laughing stock of the world.

c) 'Oh how great swift retort was?' yeah, if it was so great why was the PAF trying to avoid carrying out the operation? Even your favorite journalist Moeed Pirzada said that the Pak armed forces tried their very best to not retaliate and PM Imran Khan had to 'override' them and 'order the attack'. If your AF thought swift retort was a stupid idea before the attack, it decided it was even more stupid after the operation and thre him out of office. 'Favorite Journalist' and many other journalists in Pak have identified this as a major faultline since it both annexed Kashmir to India and cut off economic ties for Pak to buy Tomato, Oinion etc.

d) If 'man behind the machine' is what counts then PAF will DEFINITELY lose. It's shit AF with undertrained pilots no petrol to fly the F 16 fizaaiya.

Remember Windy- you're a goddamn greengrocer from Birmingham. And toilet paper is a big part of your sales. Stick to that.