Look like another step up on the escalation ladder...... 120mm is been used by pakistanis...... (saw the reports and pics do not know the authenticity of it yet)
Pakistan is smart in ensuring they are holding India with them in every now and then..... They ensure that we are busy tackling them by ensuring issues now and then...... Their existence as a nation depends on India and Kashmir, and when ever we ignored them or put everything on back burner and moved along with our life, they ensured that we turn back and return to them by doing some thing or other.....
Imagine of they also ignore India and move on with their own things, what happens???? Since their existence and their militiary's significance depends on India and its rivalary with them..... They cant do it...
Ever thought what do they get by irking or creating trouble in India???? that too for more than 60 years??? They cannot accept or agree India moving to a different league.......
Why Pakistanis dont care of about escalation?????
Well they very well knows that we cannot go for a full blown war, and localised war can be a stale mate, because there are several place along LOC, which they have an huge advantage, and they can also create huge damage...... Not only that an escalation will bring international attention, and there is no way Pakistan has a disadvantage..... because 1) They have nothing to loose, their economy is already in a bad shape 2) They do not have reputation to loose..... But the cost for India on both these points are high and they very well knows this..... Now with china strongly on it pocket, and at times support Pakistanis to keep things hot on their behalf, now add Russia who has been our bestest buddy for decades, moving away on opposite direction........ USA who is pulling India (vice versa) to itself..... there is hardly anything which we gain from this.... Our strategy was make terror costlier in all aspects to Pakistan.... But the way things are they do not care about the cost, and they are ready to loose what ever for the gain of sustained hostilities with India......
Pakistan does not have a strong govt after outster of Nawas, and (most of us wont even remember the name of the new PM) PA becoming stronger and stronger, they will call the shots for a very long time and this hostilities are going to continue.....
India : Is having a strong leader and a strong govt, whose popularity is depleting every passing day, will also find it difficult, with the current hostilities, especially confused with his foreign policies , It's sincere efforts to find peace with pakistan was replied with terror attacks, and they are also getting to know the difficulty in handling a neighbor who has nothing to loose......
"Written hastely" so mistakes has to be ignored.....
Pakistan is smart in ensuring they are holding India with them in every now and then..... They ensure that we are busy tackling them by ensuring issues now and then...... Their existence as a nation depends on India and Kashmir, and when ever we ignored them or put everything on back burner and moved along with our life, they ensured that we turn back and return to them by doing some thing or other.....
Imagine of they also ignore India and move on with their own things, what happens???? Since their existence and their militiary's significance depends on India and its rivalary with them..... They cant do it...
Ever thought what do they get by irking or creating trouble in India???? that too for more than 60 years??? They cannot accept or agree India moving to a different league.......
Why Pakistanis dont care of about escalation?????
Well they very well knows that we cannot go for a full blown war, and localised war can be a stale mate, because there are several place along LOC, which they have an huge advantage, and they can also create huge damage...... Not only that an escalation will bring international attention, and there is no way Pakistan has a disadvantage..... because 1) They have nothing to loose, their economy is already in a bad shape 2) They do not have reputation to loose..... But the cost for India on both these points are high and they very well knows this..... Now with china strongly on it pocket, and at times support Pakistanis to keep things hot on their behalf, now add Russia who has been our bestest buddy for decades, moving away on opposite direction........ USA who is pulling India (vice versa) to itself..... there is hardly anything which we gain from this.... Our strategy was make terror costlier in all aspects to Pakistan.... But the way things are they do not care about the cost, and they are ready to loose what ever for the gain of sustained hostilities with India......
Pakistan does not have a strong govt after outster of Nawas, and (most of us wont even remember the name of the new PM) PA becoming stronger and stronger, they will call the shots for a very long time and this hostilities are going to continue.....
India : Is having a strong leader and a strong govt, whose popularity is depleting every passing day, will also find it difficult, with the current hostilities, especially confused with his foreign policies , It's sincere efforts to find peace with pakistan was replied with terror attacks, and they are also getting to know the difficulty in handling a neighbor who has nothing to loose......
"Written hastely" so mistakes has to be ignored.....