India-Canada Relations : News & Updates

Kashmir should have been split in two from day 1, and now it is. Bangladesh should have been independent from day 1, and now it is. Bloodshed has led to what commonsense should have arrived at sooner.

Seems to be quite poor at defending against cruise missiles.:ROFLMAO:

The person you killed is unimportant, the fact you illegally carried out an extrajudicial killing is important.

You're a democracy because you have a sectarian majority, so it's convenient. That doesn't mean you treat non-Hindus fairly or equally.

That is your point of view, like I believe that Scotland should be independent and so should Ireland. Wales and England should have the playboy king as their puppet.

If the person who was killed was unimportant, then the West is filled with idiots. You mess up with Russia who provides you oil, you mess up with China who provides you with equipment and now you are tinkering with the one country which actually has a soft spot for you.

Let us not say we killed till you actually show evidence. Till that time you are just faffing. Come back with evidence.

While we are at evidence, did you find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or did you find OBL there? I believe you found him in Pakistan. So lets not go down the route of extrajudicial killing. We learnt from the best, meaning you chaps.

We are a democracy because we vote and we elect our leaders. We have not yet gone 'spreading democracy' to any part of the globe. And your last line stinks of Hinduphobia.
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As I stated earlier, moderators of this forum will have to suffer the consequences of allowing such morally-condescending colonial apologist POS here.

Well with the Quad and trade deals I thought we were trying too get on better terms, but evidently you don't want to be so back too square one.

Quad isn't a platform to guarantee FTAs, neither are you a member of the Quad. That said we have already signed an FTA with the Aussies. If the incompetent government of UK is unable to secure an FTA with us that they need so badly post- Brexit, it's not our fault.

Well you screwed yourself with the S400. See Ukraine War for details. It's useless.

You're a nation that has the 25 km range "Land Ceptor" as it's most advanced GBAD system, Paddy. The hype about it's induction was rather hilarious to watch. I suggest you not to comment on operational efficacies of systems that are too complex for your nation to develop.

You killed someone they don't really even care about and then gave them a meaningless label that nobody will pay any attention to

I'm pretty sure that he was a "nobody". That explains why he met the CSIS weekly & sometimes biweekly. That also explains how he was allowed asylum & citizenship despite passport fraud. That also explains why Trudeau made such a huba about his murder in the Parliament & expelled our envoy.

Every single piece of evidence suggests he was a Canadian/ Western intelligence asset. Little wonder why WASPs & their propaganda machinery is so triggered.

You've probably done more harm to yourself in the long run, which is what you always do, hence why China has raced ahead of you

That's rich, coming from the same bunch who propped up "Mujahideen" in Afghanistan & ended up having their "Twin towers of Anglo- Saxon ego" come crashing down. How did that work out for you?

Can't outrun your Karma.
You named an island after a guy allied to the Nazis so you can hardly talk.

Nazism doesn't have anything to do with us, Paddy. You can ask the Jewish Communities of Kerala Or Maharashtra about how they were treated here.

Stop projecting your white guilt onto us.


the fact you illegally carried out an extrajudicial killing is important.

You're free to prove it, Paddy.

Intelligence isn't evidence, neither is it admissible in court. As for Canada, it's highly capable law enforcement hasn't even arrested the actual gunmen yet.

I do understand that WASPs will consume whatever propaganda dished out by their governments, but don't expect us to.
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That is your point of view, like I believe that Scotland should be independent and so should Ireland. Wales and England should have the playboy king as their puppet.
Nobody carries out pogroms against Scots.

India has provided very little evidence as to the involvement of this Khalistani in any actual terrorist attacks. Sure, he supported having an independent region, which is illegal in India, but that's like labelling Nicola Sturgeon a terrorist.

If the person who was killed was unimportant, then the West is filled with idiots. You mess up with Russia who provides you oil, you mess up with China who provides you with equipment and now you are tinkering with the one country which actually has a soft spot for you.
Russia is the one who messed up, India messed up by supporting them (whilst lying about it, which is there version of neutrality) and as for Chinese equipment, good riddance.
Let us not say we killed till you actually show evidence. Till that time you are just faffing. Come back with evidence.
So why did you label Canada a terrorist sanctuary if you didn't kill him? Even people in this thread have admitted it. It was captured on camera anyway.
While we are at evidence, did you find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or did you find OBL there? I believe you found him in Pakistan. So lets not go down the route of extrajudicial killing. We learnt from the best, meaning you chaps.
They did actually find some chemical shells that had been forgotten about. But the bottom line is that Saddam Hussein was a war criminal and human rights abuser, and UN sanctions were killing Iraqis and also promoting recruitment for radical groups. He should have gone in 1991.
We are a democracy because we vote and we elect our leaders. We have not yet gone 'spreading democracy' to any part of the globe. And your last line stinks of Hinduphobia.
It's just a fact, when you go 50 years without mass sectarian killing in riots, then you'll be a proper democracy. Democracy is about a lot more than electing leaders.

then why is the west crying?
I believe I explained that. An unsanctioned killing a citizen in breach of international law. Who the citizen is is irrelevant. To then label a NATO member as a terrorist sanctuary is only intended as a deliberate insult and admission to the former, so sanctions are likely coming your way.
thats how terrorist are dealt with when they dont submit to the law, should somebody remind you of wests favorite uncle bin laden.
Bin Laden personally admitted (boasted about) to several attacks, including 911. So a very different matter. He did not contest his guilt.
dude we dont need a certificate from west move on.
Moving on = being an economic disaster with mass malnutrition.
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Rest of the world knows who the nazi's are, no one is asking us to apologize or change names.
People fighting the Soviets on the Eastern front saved Western Europe. Chandra Bose saved no one, and if he'd succeeded India would have been under Axis Japan.
It has certainly pricked west's ego and their business, we can see that.
Couldn't save the Black Sea Fleet or the Black Sea Fleet HQ. And these are only old school subsonic cruise missiles not super-duper hypersonic weapons.
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Nobody carries out pogroms against Scots.

India has provided very little evidence as to the involvement of this Khalistani in any actual terrorist attacks. Sure, he supported having an independent region, which is illegal in India, but that's like labelling Nicola Sturgeon a terrorist.
There is no evidence presented that India did it. Provide evidence. The history of progroms carried out by the British puts Stalin and Mao to shame. So less said, better.
Russia is the one who messed up, India messed up by supporting them (whilst lying about it, which is there version of neutrality) and as for Chinese equipment, good riddance.
All these are your point of view. In our point of view, what happens in Europe is not our problem.
They did actually find some chemical shells that had been forgotten about. But the bottom line is that Saddam Hussein was a war criminal and human rights abuser, and UN sanctions were killing Iraqis and also promoting recruitment for radical groups. He should have gone in 1991.
So, where are the nukes which were supposedly there. The UK and US are responsible for the genocide carried out by your forces on the Arabs and Muslims there.
It's just a fact, when you go 50 years without mass sectarian killing in riots, then you'll be a proper democracy. Democracy is about a lot more than electing leaders.
Lets see you chaps going for a year without creating a war and killing innocent people. Democracy, the less you lot talk about it, better it is.
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There is no evidence presented that India did it. Provide evidence. The history of progroms carried out by the British puts Stalin and Mao to shame. So less said, better.
Only in India's fake revisionist version of history. More people died from famine under Mao, that all the famines during the British Empire combined. As for massacres, more people died from pogroms and riots immediately after independence, that in the previous 200 years.

All these are your point of view. In our point of view, what happens in Europe is not our problem.
So you're happy with invasions and annexations? We'll remind you of that next time China crosses your border.
So, where are the nukes which were supposedly there. The UK and US are responsible for the genocide carried out by your forces on the Arabs and Muslims there.
Nobody claimed they had nukes yet. Nope, Al--Quaeda and rival militias did 99.99% of the killing, and they were aided by Iran and Russia.
Lets see you chaps going for a year without creating a war and killing innocent people. Democracy, the less you lot talk about it, better it is.
Russia created this war and the vast majority of the UN agrees. And that's why your opinion is irrelevant to the world. Even BRICS doesn't care about your opinion, despite how much you like promoting them.:ROFLMAO:
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Only in India's fake revisionist version of history. More people died from famine under Mao, that all the famines during the British Empire combined. As for massacres, more people died from pogroms and riots immediately after independence, that in the previous 200 years.
No. Your whitewashing of what you did in Bengal is enough proof. No social media and you lot escaped.

And this is just you lot. Not even other western 'civil' democrazies.
So you're happy with invasions and annexations? We'll remind you of that next time China crosses your border.
When was the last time you actually helped? It was our army which did the job. What we do is buy from you. You are a seller. That's it. We buy from you and defend. You lot on the other hand need to run to America to save your sorry behind.
Russia created this war and the vast majority of the UN agrees. And that's why your opinion is irrelevant to the world. Even BRICS doesn't care about your opinion, despite how much you like promoting them.:ROFLMAO:
Like I said, its a European problem. BRICS has Russia, China and India, which by the way still trade. I understand, that India not agreeing with you has damaged logic. Again, European problem. Not ours.
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So why did you label Canada a terrorist sanctuary if you didn't kill him? Even people in this thread have admitted it. It was captured on camera anyway.

I wonder how retarded one has to be to come up with this kind of arguments.

Can we add an IQ test in the sign up page, so that we can avoid infestation by this kind of morons?? Are the moderators listening?

"It was captured on Camera"

Yup, it was Modi in a hoodie, wielding a Type 56.
And these are only old school subsonic cruise missiles not super-duper hypersonic weapons.

You have neither subsonic nor supersonic LACMs. What's the point??

An unsanctioned killing a citizen in breach of international law.

I would like the five eyes, four d*cks & three *censored**s to prove we did it first, Paddy.

Let's get down here to the basics & start with criminal law. Presumption of guilt is the against the very principle of Justice.

It's been three months & your North American colony hasn't even arrested the actual gunmen, neither have they collected surveillance footage from nearby commercial establishments. Even American propaganda media have started to call out out them on their incompetence.

But hey, those incompetent imbeciles know that the Indian government sanctioned the hit.

To then label a NATO member as a terrorist sanctuary is only intended as a deliberate insult

Stating the truth can be insulting at times and no, you don't get a free pass for being a NATO country. It was your Lord & Saviour, the Great USofA that literally created the Frankenstein monster named Modern Islamic Jihad. It was the same USofA that used Chemical Weapons on civilians in Vietnam.

The world know you for the hypocrites you are. Stop preaching.
so sanctions are likely coming your way.

Do you promise to GTFO from this forum if your prediction fails?? How's that for a deal??
Do you promise to GTFO from this forum if your prediction fails?? How's that for a deal??
They more likely working towards an FTA.

There is a re-calibration happening on both sides. Us, knowing that we can push the envelope a bit while maintaining good ties and them, realizing that their 'red lines' like all red lines are stretchable.

India does not need to get confrontational with the west. Neither do we need to get confrontational with China. We need to keep growing our economy and keep trading. Sustain this for 15 years and then we can be one of the poles in a multipolar world.
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No. Your whitewashing of what you did in Bengal is enough proof. No social media and you lot escaped.

And this is just you lot. Not even other western 'civil' democrazies.

When was the last time you actually helped? It was our army which did the job. What we do is buy from you. You are a seller. That's it. We buy from you and defend. You lot on the other hand need to run to America to save your sorry behind.

Like I said, its a European problem. BRICS has Russia, China and India, which by the way still trade. I understand, that India not agreeing with you has damaged logic. Again, European problem. Not ours.
Bengal was a wartime famine brought on by crop failure, people fleeing from Japanese, bad weather and Japanese takeover of farm land. Yes, the Brits could have handled it better and prioritised food supplies to the UK and warfighters but Holodomor and Mao's great leap were peacetime famines entirely manufactured by their Communist governments. And >10x more people died from them than the Bengal Famine.

Yes, a lot of people died from famine/malnutrition under colonial rule, but 7000/day were still dying from malnutrition in India only 15 years ago, which works out to a Bengal Famine every year. And that's post agricultural revolution, with modern transport/comms and aid. So 12-29m dying from famine over 200 years pre-agricultural revolution, withouth all those advantages was good going really.

That's hunger, now for slavery:

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Prevalence of Modern Slavery (by total number of slaves) - Global Slavery Index 2018:​

  1. India - 7,989,000
  2. China - 3,864,000
  3. North Korea - 2,640,000
  4. Nigeria - 1,386,000
  5. Iran - 1,289,000
  6. Indonesia - 1,220,000
  7. Congo (Democratic Republic of) - 1,045,000
  8. Russia - 794,000
  9. Philippines - 784,000
  10. Afghanistan - 749,000
That isn't democracy.
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Bengal was a wartime famine brought on by crop failure, people fleeing from Japanese, bad weather and Japanese takeover of farm land. Yes, the Brits could have handled it better and prioritised food supplies to the UK and warfighters but Holodomor and Mao's great leap were peacetime famines entirely manufactured by their Communist governments. And >10x more people died from them than the Bengal Famine.

Yes, a lot of people died from famine/malnutrition under colonial rule, but 7000/day were still dying from malnutrition in India only 15 years ago, which works out to a Bengal Famine every year. And that's post agricultural revolution, with modern transport/comms and aid. So 12-29m dying from famine over 200 years pre-agricultural revolution, withouth all those advantages was good going really.

That's hunger, now for slavery:

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Prevalence of Modern Slavery (by total number of slaves) - Global Slavery Index 2018:​

  1. India - 7,989,000
  2. China - 3,864,000
  3. North Korea - 2,640,000
  4. Nigeria - 1,386,000
  5. Iran - 1,289,000
  6. Indonesia - 1,220,000
  7. Congo (Democratic Republic of) - 1,045,000
  8. Russia - 794,000
  9. Philippines - 784,000
  10. Afghanistan - 749,000
That isn't democracy.
Nobody in India cares for lists made by the west. Where we were rated below Afghanistan in press freedom.

Coming back to the topic of atrocities committed by the British. May I recommend you watch these instead of whitewashed history books. Hell, even in the middle of this our chaps saved your behinds in WW2. Are you aware that Indian and Nepali troops received more than 15% of the Victoria Cross for saving your behinds. Am sure you were not and this was a revelation. So my suggestion is that, you stop replying. Read about how many times we have saved your behinds.

Nothing much can be expected though from the hosts of the biggest stolen goods museum in human history. But again, like I said, one would need blinkers to be removed to see what the 'west' has done. You lot are nothing different.

The UK today is do i put it mildlyy.....a poodle of the US. Remove the US/NATO and zilch. Hell, you needed the French to help yyou out with the Exocets to take on Argentina....Argentina, can you believe that?
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I'm not whitewashing anything. Just quoting facts with references. Your own video even agrees with what I said, he diverted supplies to troops during a war. That isn't the same as an entirely manufactured famine in peacetime like Holodomor and Mao's great leap. The former is why Ukraine sided with the Germans.
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Throughout 1942 and early 1943, military and political events combined with natural disasters and plant disease to place widespread stress on Bengal's economy.[61] While Bengal's food needs rose from increased military presence and an influx of refugees from Burma,[62] its ability to obtain rice and other grains was restricted by inter-provincial trade barriers.[63]

The Japanese campaign for Burma set off an exodus of more than half of the one million Indians from Burma for India.[64] The flow began after the bombing of Rangoon (1941–1942), and for months thereafter desperate people poured across the borders, escaping into India through Bengal and Assam.[65] On 26 April 1942, all Allied forces were ordered to retreat from Burma into India.[66] Military transport and other supplies were dedicated to military use, and unavailable for use by the refugees.[67] By mid May 1942, the monsoon rains became heavy in the Manipur hills, further inhibiting civilian movement.[68]

The cyclone, floods, plant disease, and warm, humid weather reinforced each other and combined to have a substantial impact on the aman rice crop of 1942.[184] Their impact was felt in other aspects as well, as in some districts the cyclone was responsible for an increased incidence of malaria, with deadly effect.[185]
Nobody in India cares for lists made by the west. Where we were rated below Afghanistan in press freedom.

Coming back to the topic of atrocities committed by the British. May I recommend you watch these instead of whitewashed history books. Hell, even in the middle of this our chaps saved your behinds in WW2. Are you aware that Indian and Nepali troops received more than 15% of the Victoria Cross for saving your behinds. Am sure you were not and this was a revelation. So my suggestion is that, you stop replying. Read about how many times we have saved your behinds.

Nothing much can be expected though from the hosts of the biggest stolen goods museum in human history. But again, like I said, one would need blinkers to be removed to see what the 'west' has done. You lot are nothing different.

The UK today is do i put it mildlyy.....a poodle of the US. Remove the US/NATO and zilch. Hell, you needed the French to help yyou out with the Exocets to take on Argentina....Argentina, can you believe that?

They are not taught their own history in schools.
India has provided very little evidence as to the involvement of this Khalistani in any actual terrorist attacks. Sure, he supported having an independent region, which is illegal in India, but that's like labelling Nicola Sturgeon a terrorist.

We don't need to prove anything, they did all that themselves. But there's still enough proof against him.

Canada gave him citizenship as soon as Interpol issued a red corner notice on him.

Trudeau screwed up big time by linking his govt to a known terrorist and other terrorist groups he's affiliated with.

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